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"ong z c"
Showing items 1-8 of 8 (1 Page(s) Totally) 1 View [10|25|50] records per page
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-01-13T08:25:23Z |
Enhancement of energy harvesting performance by a coupled bluff splitter body and PVEH plate through vortex induced vibration near resonance
Chin, W.K.; Ong, Z.C.; Kong, K.K.; Khoo, S.Y.; Huang, Y.-H.; Chong, W.T.; YU-HSI HUANG |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-01-13T08:25:22Z |
Resonant Frequency Reduction of Piezoelectric Voltage Energy Harvester by Elastic Boundary Condition
Ong, Z.C.; Huang, Y.-H.; Chou, S.-L.; YU-HSI HUANG |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-01-13T08:25:21Z |
Two-stage multi-modal system for low frequency and wide bandwidth vibration energy harvesting
Ong, Z.C.; Ooi, Y.X.; Khoo, S.Y.; Huang, Y.H.; YU-HSI HUANG |
國立臺灣科技大學 |
2020 |
Review on design factors of microbial fuel cells using Buckingham's Pi Theorem
Tang, R.C.O.;Jang, Jang J.-H.;Lan, T.-H.;Wu, J.-C.;Yan, W.-M.;Sangeetha, T.;Wang, C.-T.;Ong, H.C.;Ong, Z.C. |
國立臺灣科技大學 |
2019 |
Resonant Frequency Reduction of Piezoelectric Voltage Energy Harvester by Elastic Boundary Condition
Ong, Z.C.;Huang, Y.-H.;Chou, S.-L. |
國立臺灣科技大學 |
2017 |
Structural dynamics effect on voltage generation from dual coupled cantilever based piezoelectric vibration energy harvester system
Khoo, S.Y;Radeef, Z.S;Ong, Z.C;Huang, Y.-H;Chong, W.T;Ismail, Z. |
國立臺灣科技大學 |
2017 |
Enhancement of energy harvesting performance by a coupled bluff splitter body and PVEH plate through vortex induced vibration near resonance
Chin, W.K.;Ong, Z.C.;Kong, Kong K.K.;Khoo, S.Y.;Huang, Y.-H.;Chong, W.T. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2017 |
Structural dynamics effect on voltage generation from dual coupled cantilever based piezoelectric vibration energy harvester system
YU-HSI HUANG; Ismail, Z.; Chong, W.T.; Ong, Z.C.; Huang, Y.-H.; Radeef, Z.S.; Khoo, S.Y. |
Showing items 1-8 of 8 (1 Page(s) Totally) 1 View [10|25|50] records per page