臺大學術典藏 |
2021-09-08T01:32:21Z |
Supportive care in the acute phase of Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis: an international, multidisciplinary Delphi-based consensus
Brüggen, M-C; Le, S T; Walsh, S; Toussi, A; de Prost, N; Ranki, A; Didona, B; Colin, A; Horváth, B; Brezinova, E; Moss, C; Bodemer, C; Meyersburg, D; Salavastru, C; Tiplica, G-S; Howard, E; Bequignon, E; Bouwes Bavinck, J N; Newman, J; Gueudry, J; Nägeli, M; Zaghbib, K; Pallesen, K; Bygum, A; Joly, P; Wolkenstein, P; Chua, S-L; Le Floch, R; Shear, N H; CHIA-YU CHU; etc. |