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Showing items 1-2 of 2 (1 Page(s) Totally) 1 View [10|25|50] records per page
臺大學術典藏 |
2022-05-24T06:20:47Z |
Monitoring fetal maturation - Objectives, techniques and indices of autonomic function
Hoyer D.;Zebrowski J.;Cysarz D.;Goncalves H.;Pytlik A.;Amorim-Costa C.;Bernardes J.;Ayres-De-Campos D.;Witte O.W.;Schleu?ner E.;Stroux L.;Redman C.;Georgieva A.;Payne S.;Clifford G.;Signorini M.G.;Magenes G.;Andreotti F.;Malberg H.;Zaunseder S.;Lakhno I.;Schneider U.; Hoyer D.; Zebrowski J.; Cysarz D.; Goncalves H.; Pytlik A.; Amorim-Costa C.; Bernardes J.; Ayres-De-Campos D.; Witte O.W.; Schleu?ner E.; Stroux L.; Redman C.; Georgieva A.; Payne S.; Clifford G.; Signorini M.G.; Magenes G.; Andreotti F.; Malberg H.; Zaunseder S.; Lakhno I.; Schneider U.; STEPHEN JOHN PAYNE |
臺大學術典藏 |
2022-05-24T06:20:47Z |
Monitoring fetal maturation - Objectives, techniques and indices of autonomic function
Hoyer D.;Zebrowski J.;Cysarz D.;Goncalves H.;Pytlik A.;Amorim-Costa C.;Bernardes J.;Ayres-De-Campos D.;Witte O.W.;Schleu?ner E.;Stroux L.;Redman C.;Georgieva A.;Payne S.;Clifford G.;Signorini M.G.;Magenes G.;Andreotti F.;Malberg H.;Zaunseder S.;Lakhno I.;Schneider U.; Hoyer D.; Zebrowski J.; Cysarz D.; Goncalves H.; Pytlik A.; Amorim-Costa C.; Bernardes J.; Ayres-De-Campos D.; Witte O.W.; Schleu?ner E.; Stroux L.; Redman C.; Georgieva A.; Payne S.; Clifford G.; Signorini M.G.; Magenes G.; Andreotti F.; Malberg H.; Zaunseder S.; Lakhno I.; Schneider U.; STEPHEN JOHN PAYNE |
Showing items 1-2 of 2 (1 Page(s) Totally) 1 View [10|25|50] records per page