"wang ss"的相关文件
显示项目 56-65 / 172 (共18页) << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >> 每页显示[10|25|50]项目
中國醫藥大學 |
2014-04 |
Impact of EZH2 Polymorphisms on Urothelial Cell Carcinoma Susceptibility and Clinicopathologic Features
余永倫(Yung-Luen Yu);(Su KJ);(Hsieh MJ);(Wang SS);(Wang PH);(Weng WC)*;(Yang SF)* |
臺北醫學大學 |
2014 |
Associations of VEGF-C Genetic Polymorphisms with Urothelial Cell Carcinoma Susceptibility Differ between Smokers and Non-Smokers in Taiwan
Tung, MC;Hsieh, MJ;Wang, SS;Yang, SF;Chen, SS;Wang, SW;Lee, LM;Lee, WJ;Chien, MH |
高雄醫學大學 |
2014 |
17β-Estradiol Inhibits Mesenchymal Stem Cells-Induced Human AGS Gastric Cancer Cell Mobility via Suppression of CCL5- Src/Cas/Paxillin Signaling Pathway
郭昭宏;劉忠榮;盧建宇;胡晃鳴;郭富珍;劉玉森;楊淵傑;謝明家;李光申;吳登強;王聖雯;陳堯俐; Kuo, CH;Liu, CJ;Lu, CY;Hu, HM;Kuo, FC;Liou, YS;Yang, YC;Hsieh, MC;Lee, OK;Wu, DC;Wang, SS;Chen, YL |
臺北醫學大學 |
2013 |
Carnosine's Effect on Amyloid Fibril Formation and Induced Cytotoxicity of Lysozyme
Wu, JW;Liu, KN;How, SC;Chen, WA;Lai, CM;Liu, HS;Hu, CJ;Wang, SS |
高雄醫學大學 |
2013 |
The Optimal First-Line Therapy of Helicobacter pylori Infection in Year 2012.
郭昭宏;郭富珍;胡晃鳴;劉忠榮;Wang, SS;陳彥旭;謝家明;侯明鋒;吳登強 ; Kuo, CH;Kuo, FC;Hu, HM;Liu, CJ;Wang, SS;Chen, YH;Hsieh, MC;Hou, MF;Wu, DC. |
高雄醫學大學 |
2013 |
Helicobacter pylori infection associated with high HbA1c and type 2 diabetes
謝明家;王聖雯;謝蕙婷;郭富珍;孫茂勝;吳登強; Hsieh, MC;Wang, SS;Hsieh, YT;Kuo, FC;Soon, MS;Wu, DC |
高雄醫學大學 |
2013 |
Low effect-site concentration of propofol target-controlled infusion reduces the risk of hypotension during endoscopy in a Taiwanese population
許文鴻;王聖雯;施翔耀;吳孟杰;陳藝祐;郭富珍;楊惠盈;朱英蘭;朱光興;程廣義;吳登強;盧奕丞; Hsu, WH;Wang, SS;Shih, HY;Wu, MC;Chen, YY;Kuo, FC;Yang, HY;Chiu, SL;Chu, KS;Cheng, KI;Wu, DC;Lu, IC |
高雄醫學大學 |
2013 |
Long-Term Use of Probiotic-Containing Yogurts Is a Safe Way to Prevent Helicobacter pylori: Based on a Mongolian Gerbil's Model.
郭昭宏;王聖雯;盧建宇;胡晃鳴;郭富珍;翁碧娟;吳俊杰;劉忠榮;蔡珮芸;李崇志;陳立偉;鄭光宏;張玲麗;吳登強; Kuo, CH;Wang, SS;Lu, CY;Hu, HM;Kuo, FC;Weng, BC;CC6, Wu;Liu, CJ;Tsai, PY;Lee, TC;Chen, LW;Cheng, KH;Chang, LL;Wu, DC |
高雄醫學大學 |
2013 |
Current pharmacological management of gastroesophageal reflux disease
王耀廣;許文鴻;王聖雯;盧建宇;郭富珍;蘇育正;楊曉芳;陳巧雲;吳登強;郭昭宏; Wang, YK;Hsu, WH;Wang, SS;Lu, CY;Kuo, FC;Su, YC;Yang, SF;Chen, CY;Wu, DC;Kuo, CH |
國立臺灣大學 |
2009-11 |
The relationship between serum galectin-3 and serum markers of cardiac extracellular matrix turnover in heart failure patients.
Lin, YH; Lin, LY; Wu, YW; Chien, KL; Lee, CM; Hsu, RB; Chao, CL; Wang, SS; Hsein, YC; Liah, LC; Ho, YL; Chen, MF. |
显示项目 56-65 / 172 (共18页) << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >> 每页显示[10|25|50]项目