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Institution Date Title Author
朝陽科技大學 2023-06 Customers’ Behavior Analysis Before and During the Chinese New Year: An Empirical Study from A Supermarket in Taiwan Tang, Yung-Tai; Wu, Hsin-Hung; Yang, Hao-Wei; Lo, Ming-Min; 羅明敏
亞洲大學 2022-05-01 An Inner Dependence Analysis Dynamic Decision-Making Framework Liu, Yun-Ning;Liu, Yun-Ning;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2022-02-01 A Longitudinal Study of Nurses’ Work-Life Balance: A Case of A Regional Teaching Hospital in Taiwan 李孟賢;Lee, Meng Hsien;李怡慶;Lee, Yii-Ching;黃志璿;Huang, Chih-Hsuan;吳成?;Wu, Cheng-Feng;薛秀雯;Hsueh, Hsiu-Wen;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung
國立臺北護理健康大學 2021-12 The competitive season and off-season": Preliminary research concerning the sport-specific performance, stress and sleep in elite male adolescent basketball athletes Chou, Chun-Chung; Wang, Fei-Ti; Wu, Hsin-Hung; Tsai, Shiow-Chwen; Chen, Chung-Yu; Bernard, Jeffrey R; Kuo, Yu-Chi; Liao, Yi-Hung
亞洲大學 2020-02-20 女性阿茲海默症病人之照護目標組合的研究:以中部某醫學中心為例 林雅嫻; 王文甫; 呂郁蕙; Liu, Yu-Huei; 張凱茗; 陳富滿; 葉瓊鈺; 林哲瑋; 康宜靜; 張倩蜜; 王釧如; 吳信宏; Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2019-12 利用Apriori演算法探討失智症患者於照護者壓力之影響:以中部醫學中心為例 陳玟均;王文甫;呂郁蕙;Liu, Yu-Huei;張凱茗;陳富滿;葉瓊鈺;林哲瑋;康宜靜;張倩蜜;王釧如;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2019-11 Using the Apriori Algorithm to Classify the Care Needs of Patients with Different Types of Dementia 張凱茗;Jhang, Kai-Ming;張明哲;Chang, Ming-Che;羅慈縈;Lo, Tzu-Ying;林哲瑋;Lin, Che-Wei;王文甫;Wang, Wen-Fu;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2019-11 Causal Relationships of Patient Safety Culture Based on the Chinese Version of Safety Attitudes Questionnaire Le, Yii-Ching;Lee, Yii-Ching;Zen, Pei-Shan;Zeng, Pei-Shan;Chih-Hsuan, Hsuan H;Huang, Chih-Hsuan;Cheng-Feng, W;Wu, Cheng-Feng;Chien-Chang;Yang, Chien-Chang;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2019-11 Performance Measurement Systems, TQM and Multi-Level Firm Performance: A Person-Organization Fit Perspective Wei, Jo-Ting;Wei, Jo-Ting;Cha, Yeun Wen;Chang, Yeun Wen;Zh, Xiaoxiang;Zhang, Xiaoxiang;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung;Tan, Yung-Tai;Tang, Yung-Tai
亞洲大學 2019-09 Using Structural Analysis to Construct Causal Relationships of the Patient Safety Culture 謝俊逸;Shieh, Jiunn-I;Chih-Hsuan, Hsuan H;Huang, Chih-Hsuan;Le, Yii-Ching;Lee, Yii-Ching;Wu, Hsin-Hung;Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2019-09 A Longitudinal Study of Identifying Critical Variables Influencing Patient Safety Culture from Nurses’ Viewpoints in Taiwan 李怡慶;Lee, Yii-Ching;黃志璿;Huang, Chih-Hsuan;吳成峰;Wu, Cheng-Feng;薛秀雯;Hsueh, Hsiu-Wen;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2019-08 工業4.0對供應商管理策略因子之影響-以台灣半導體為例 劉錦鳳;Liu, Jin-Feng;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2019-08 What Role does Patient Gratitude Play on the Relationship between Relationship Quality and Patient Loyalty? 黃志璿;Huang, Chih-Hsuan;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung;李怡慶;Lee, Yii-Ching;李荔;Li, Li
亞洲大學 2019-05 Critical Demographic Variables on Affecting Patient Safety Culture from Medical Staffs’ Viewpoints 机芷儀;Chi, Chih-Yi;黃志璿;Huang, Chih-Hsuan;李怡慶;Lee, Yii-Ching;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2019-05 A Preliminary Study of Fluid Intake before Bedtime and Insomnia Symptoms 蔡崇煌;Tsai, Chung-Huang;翁紹仁;Weng, Shao-Jen;劉士嘉;Liu, Shih-Chia;Go, Donald F.;Gotcher, Donald F.;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung;周駿安;Chou, Chun-An;Seung-Hwan, K;Kim, Seung-Hwan
亞洲大學 2019-04 Revisit Employee Satisfaction Scale: A Case Study of the Regional Teaching Hospital 謝宛霖;Hsieh, Wan-Lin;李怡慶;Lee, Yii-Ching;黃志璿;Huang, Chih-Hsuan;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung;翁紹仁;Weng, Shao-Jen
亞洲大學 2019-01 Associations Between Patients with Dementia and High Caregiving Burden for Caregivers from A Medical Center in Taiwan 顏貴珍;Yan, Guei-Jhen;王文甫;Wang, Wen-Fu;張凱茗;Jhang, Kai-Ming;林哲瑋;Lin, Che-Wei;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T07:47:27Z Ruptured Corpus Luteum with Hemoperitoneum: Case Characteristics and Demographic Changes Over Time Wang, Y.-F.;Ho, Wen-Kuang;Wu, Hsin-Hung;Tsai, Horng -Der;Chen, Tze-Ho;Chen, Ming; HO, WEN-KUANG;WU, HSIN-HUNG;TSAI, HORNG -DER;CHEN, TZE-HO;CHEN, MING; 何文光;吳信宏;蔡鴻德;陳子和;陳明; MING CHEN; HO, WEN-KUANG; WU, HSIN-HUNG; TSAI, HORNG -DER; CHEN, TZE-HO; CHEN, MING
亞洲大學 2018-06 The Perceptions of Physicians and Nurses Regarding the Establishment of Patient Safety in a Regional Teaching Hospital in Taiwan 黃志璿;Huang, Chih-Hsuan;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung;鄒蘊欣;Chou, Cindy Yunhsin;Dai, Huayong;Dai, Huayong;李怡慶;Lee, Yii-Ching;*
亞洲大學 2018-05 Using Classification and Regression Tree to Identify Care Target Combinations for Different Dementia Patients from A Medical Center in Taiwan 許昀螢;Hsu, Yun-Ying;陳富滿;Chen, Fu-Man;王文甫;Wang, Wen-Fu;林哲瑋;Lin, Che-Wei;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung;*
亞洲大學 2018-04 The Perceptions of Patient Safety Culture: A Difference between Physicians and Nurses in Taiwan 黃志璿;Chih-HsuanHuang;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung;李怡慶;Lee, Yii-Ching;*
亞洲大學 2018-03 A Framework of Applying Ordering Coefficient Based on the Information Energy to Identify the Causal Relationships Among Critical Factors from Raw Data 謝俊逸;Shieh, Jiunn-I;Wu, Hsin-Hung;Wu, Hsin-Hung;*
亞洲大學 2018-03 Causal Relationship Analysis of the Patient Safety Culture Based on Safety Attitudes Questionnaire in Taiwan 李怡慶;Lee, Yii-Ching;曾佩珊;Zeng, Pei-Shan;黃志璿;Huang, Chih-Hsuan;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung;*
國立臺北護理健康大學 2018 探討比賽期與賽後恢復期對高中甲組籃球員體能表現與壓力反應之差異 吳欣鴻; Wu, Hsin-Hung
東吳大學 2018 稽核風險指標之多準則決策分析 吳信宏; WU, HSIN-HUNG
亞洲大學 2017-11 Family Firm and Analyst Forecasts in an Emerging Economy Zh, Xiaoxiang;Zhang, Xiaoxiang;魏若婷;Wei, Jo-Ting;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2017-10 運用C4.5決策樹分析失眠症狀 蔡崇煌;Tsai, Chung-Huang;翁紹仁;Weng, Shao-Jen;周駿安;Chou, Chun-An;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung;洪偉展;Hung, Wei-Zhan
國立成功大學 2017-06-22 線性化波茲曼方程在長時間的行為 吳信宏; Wu, Hsin-Hung
中山醫學大學 2017 探討台灣地區子宮頸腫瘤易感性和其臨床病理特徵與單核細胞趨化蛋白1和其受體趨化因子接受體2的單核苷酸多型性的相關性 吳信宏; Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2016-12 Identifying Key Factors of Medical Service Quality by a Modified DEMATEL Method Based on Total Sensitivity Analysis 謝俊逸;Shieh*, Jiunn-I;Wu, Hsin-Hung;Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2016-12 A Framework of Applying Ordering Coefficient Based on the Information Energy to Identify the Causal Relationships Among Critical Factors from Raw Data 謝俊逸;Shieh, Jiunn-I;Wu, Hsin-Hung;Wu, Hsin-Hung;*
亞洲大學 2016-06 Identifying Key Factors of Medical Service Quality by a Modified DEMATEL Method Based on Total Sensitivity Analysis Shieh)*, 謝俊逸(Jiunn-I;Wu, Hsin-Hung;Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2016-06 Identifying Key Factors of Medical Service Quality by a Modified DEMATEL Method Based on Total Sensitivity Analysis 謝俊逸;Shieh, Jiunn-I;*;Wu, Hsin-Hung;Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2016-05 Analyzing Patient Safety Culture from Viewpoints of Physicians and Nurses - A Case of A Regional Teaching Hospital in Taiwan Yii-ChingLee;Lee, Yii-Ching;謝俊逸;Shieh, Jiunn-I;Chih-Hsuan, Hsuan H;Huang, Chih-Hsuan;Wan, Chieh Yu;Wang, Chieh Yu;Wu, Hsin-Hung;Wu, Hsin-Hung;*
亞洲大學 2016-03 Measures of Consistency for DEMATEL Method 謝俊逸;Shieh, Jiunn-I;*;Wu, Hsin-Hung;Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2015-06 Measures of Consistency for DEMATEL Method 謝俊逸;Shieh, Jiunn-I;Wu, Hsin-Hung;Wu, Hsin-Hung
國立暨南國際大學 2015 利用雷射誘導螢光做薄層分離槽線上檢測的研究 伍信宏; Wu, Hsin-Hung
元培科技大學 2014-06 A hybrid ANFIS based on n-period moving average model to forecast TAIEX stock Wei, Liang-Ying; Cheng, Ching-Hsue; Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 201312 Measures of Consistency for DEMATEL Method 謝俊逸;Shieh, Jiunn-I;Wu, Hsin-Hung;Wu, Hsin-Hung
國立成功大學 2012 Characteristics of InGaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes on Patterned Sapphire Substrates with Various Pattern Heights Yu, Sheng-Fu; Chang, Sheng-Po; Chang, Shoou-Jinn; Lin, Ray-Ming; Wu, Hsin-Hung; Hsu, Wen-Ching
國立成功大學 2011-03-20 由消費者觀點分析品牌延伸的績效研究 吳欣鴻; Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2010-07 Evaluating Performance Criteria of Employment Service Outreach Program Personnel by DEMATEL Method 吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung;Chen, Hsuan-Kai;謝俊逸;Shieh, Jiunn-I
國立彰化師範大學 2010-06 Using K-Means Method and Spectral Clustering Technique in An Outfitter's Value Analysis Chang, En-Chi; Huang, Shian-Chang; Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2010-04 A DEMATEL method in identifying key success factors of hospital service quality Shieh, Jiunn-I ; Wu, Hsin-Hung ; Huang, Kuan-Kai
亞洲大學 2010-04 A DEMATEL Method in Identifying Key Success Factors of Hospital Service Quality 謝俊逸;Shieh, Jiunn-I;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2010-03 A Dual Importance Diagram Approach to Evaluate Service Quality 謝俊逸;Shieh, Jiunn-I;吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2010-02 A Combination of AHP and DEMATEL in Evaluating the Criteria of Employment Service Outreach Program Personnel 吳信宏;Wu, Hsin-Hung;謝俊逸;Shieh, Jiunn-I;Li, Yen;Chen, Hsuan-Kai;*
國立高雄應用科技大學 2010 微壓印製程製作大尺寸薄型導光板模具設計與成形分析 吳欣泓; Wu, Hsin-Hung
亞洲大學 2009-07 A Framework of Applying A Hidden Markov Chain Model in Analyzing Customers’ Behaviors 謝俊逸;Shieh, Jiunn-I;Wu, Hsin-Hung

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