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臺大學術典藏 2022-08-24T03:33:09Z Change in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Sac Diameter After Endovascular Repair: A Single-Center Experience From Taiwan Tseng, Hsien-Wei; Chang, Po-Ya; Chang, Chin-Hao; Wu, I-Hui; Hsu, Ron-Bin; CHIH-YANG CHAN
臺大學術典藏 2022-04-27T06:51:06Z Change in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Sac Diameter After Endovascular Repair: A Single-Center Experience From Taiwan Tseng, Hsien-Wei; Chang, Po-Ya; Chang, Chin-Hao; Wu, I-Hui; RON-BIN HSU; Chan, Chih-Yang
臺大學術典藏 2022-04-26T07:12:36Z Outcome Comparison Between Open and Endovascular Aortic Repair for Retrograde Type A Intramural Hematoma With Intimal Tear in the Descending Thoracic Aorta: A Retrospective Observational Study Yang, Kelvin Jeason; NAI-HSIN CHI; Yu, Hsi-Yu; Chen, Yih-Sharng; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Wu, I-Hui
臺大學術典藏 2022-04-26T06:36:23Z Coronary Artery Bypass in Young Patients-On or Off-Pump? Okano, Ryoi; Liou, Yi-Jia; HSI-YU YU; Wu, I-Hui; Chou, Nai-Kuan; Chen, Yih-Sharng; Chi, Nai-Hsin
臺大學術典藏 2022-04-26T06:24:57Z Outcome Comparison Between Open and Endovascular Aortic Repair for Retrograde Type A Intramural Hematoma With Intimal Tear in the Descending Thoracic Aorta: A Retrospective Observational Study Yang, Kelvin Jeason; Chi, Nai-Hsin; HSI-YU YU; Chen, Yih-Sharng; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Wu, I-Hui
臺大學術典藏 2022-04-26T05:56:17Z Comparison of robotic and conventional sternotomy in redo mitral valve surgery Chi, Nai-Hsin; Fu, Hsun-Yi; HSI-YU YU; Wu, I-Hui; Wang, Chi-Hsien; Chou, Nai-Kuan
臺大學術典藏 2022-04-26T02:17:46Z Outcome Comparison Between Open and Endovascular Aortic Repair for Retrograde Type A Intramural Hematoma With Intimal Tear in the Descending Thoracic Aorta: A Retrospective Observational Study Yang, Kelvin Jeason; Chi, Nai-Hsin; Yu, Hsi-Yu; YIH-SHARNG CHEN; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Wu, I-Hui
臺大學術典藏 2021-12-09T02:48:42Z Coronary Artery Bypass in Young Patients-On or Off-Pump? Okano, Ryoi; Liou, Yi-Jia; Yu, Hsi-Yu; Wu, I-Hui; NAI-KUAN CHOU; Chen, Yih-Sharng; Chi, Nai-Hsin
臺大學術典藏 2021-12-08T07:53:09Z Ventricular septal rupture following an acute inferior wall myocardial infarction detected by computed tomography imaging Chen, Jeng-Wei; Chen, Yih-Sharng; NAI-HSIN CHI; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Wu, I-Hui
臺大學術典藏 2021-12-08T07:39:21Z Outcomes following endovascular or open repair for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm in a Chinese population Wu, Chao-Ying; Chan, Chih-Yang; Huang, Shu-Chien; NAI-HSIN CHI; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Wu, I-Hui
臺大學術典藏 2021-12-08T07:34:24Z One-stage hybrid repair to thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm Wu, I-Hui; Chan, Chih-Yang; Liang, Po-Chin; Huang, Shu-Chien; NAI-HSIN CHI; Wang, Shoei-Shen
臺大學術典藏 2021-12-08T07:06:54Z Coronary Artery Bypass in Young Patients-On or Off-Pump? Okano, Ryoi; Liou, Yi-Jia; Yu, Hsi-Yu; Wu, I-Hui; Chou, Nai-Kuan; Chen, Yih-Sharng; NAI-HSIN CHI
臺大學術典藏 2021-12-08T06:55:04Z Comparison of robotic and conventional sternotomy in redo mitral valve surgery NAI-HSIN CHI; Fu, Hsun-Yi; Yu, Hsi-Yu; Wu, I-Hui; Wang, Chi-Hsien; Chou, Nai-Kuan
臺大學術典藏 2021-12-02T05:58:35Z Coronary Artery Bypass in Young Patients-On or Off-Pump? Okano, Ryoi; Liou, Yi-Jia; Yu, Hsi-Yu; Wu, I-Hui; Chou, Nai-Kuan; YIH-SHARNG CHEN; Chi, Nai-Hsin
臺大學術典藏 2019-12-20T01:18:49Z Ventricular Septal Rupture Following an Acute Inferior Wall Myocardial Infarction Detected by Computed Tomography Imaging JENG-WEI CHEN; Wu, I.-Hui; Chen, Jeng-Wei; Chen, Yih-Sharng; Chi, Nai-Shin; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Wu, I.-Hui; Chen, Jeng-Wei; Chen, Yih-Sharng; Chi, Nai-Shin; Wang, Shoei-Shen
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:38:31Z Image-guided thoracoscopic surgery with dye localization in a hybrid operating room I-Hui Wu; Chang, Yeun-Chung; JIN-SHING CHEN; Chen, Jin-Shing; Wu, I-Hui; Chan, Chih-Yang; Shun-Mao Yang; WEI-CHUN KO; Hsu, Hsao-Hsun; Lin, Mong-Wei; Yang, Shun-Mao;Ko, Wei-Chun;Lin, Mong-Wei;Hsu, Hsao-Hsun;Chan, Chih-Yang;Wu, I-Hui;Chang, Yeun-Chung;Chen, Jin-Shing; CHIH-YANG CHAN; Yang, S.-M. and Ko, W.-C. and Lin, M.-W. and Hsu, H.-H. and Chan, C.-Y. and Wu, I.-H. and Chang, Y.-C. and Chen, J.-S.; 楊順貿;詹志洋;吳毅暉;張允中;柯維鈞;林孟暐;徐紹勛;陳晉興; YEUN-CHUNG CHANG; Yang, Shun-Mao; Ko, Wei-Chun; HSAO-HSUN HSU
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:38:13Z The outcome of patients requiring multiple extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: How many runs of ECMO is reasonable? 紀乃新;詹志洋;吳毅暉;陳益祥;周迺寬;王植賢;黃書健;周恒文; Chou, H.-W. and Chang, T.-I. and Wang, C.-H. and Chou, N.-K. and Chi, N.-H. and Huang, S.-C. and Wu, I.-H. and Chan, C.-Y. and Ponge, L.-M. and Wang, Y.-C. and Chen, Y.-S.; Chou, Heng-Wen;Chang, Te-I;Wang, Chih-Hsien;Chou, Nai-Kuan;Chi, Nai-Hsin;Huang, Shu-Chien;Wu, I-Hui;Chan, Chih-Yang;Ponge, Lee-Mei;Wang, Ya-Chen;Chen, Yih-Sharng; CHIH-HSIEN WANG; Chou, Heng-Wen; Nai-Kuan Chou; Chang, Te-I; Wang, Chih-Hsien; CHIH-YANG CHAN; I-Hui Wu; Chou, Nai-Kuan; Chi, Nai-Hsin; NAI-HSIN CHI; Huang, Shu-Chien; Wu, I-Hui; Chan, Chih-Yang; Ponge, Lee-Mei; Wang, Ya-Chen; Chen, Yih-Sharng
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:27:52Z A novel bubble-mixture method to improve dynamic images in carbon dioxide angiography Chang, Te-I;Kuo, Sung-Hsin;CHIH-YANG CHAN;Cheng, Ann-Lii;Chan, Chih-Yang;SHOEI-SHEN WANG;Su, Shing-Kuan;; Chang, Te-I; Kuo, Sung-Hsin; CHIH-YANG CHAN; Cheng, Ann-Lii; Chan, Chih-Yang; SHOEI-SHEN WANG; Su, Shing-Kuan; I-Hui Wu; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Wu, I-Hui; Chang, T.-I.; Chan, C.-Y.; Su, S.-K.; Wang, S.-S.; Wu, I.-H.
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:27:52Z Crossover chimney technique to preserve the internal iliac artery during endovascular repair of iliac or aortoiliac aneurysms: Midterm results Wu, I-Hui;Chou, Heng-Wen;Chang, Chin-Hao;Lin, Ching-Feng;Chi, Nai-Hsin;Wang, Shoei-Shen; Wu, I-Hui; Chou, Heng-Wen; Chang, Chin-Hao; Lin, Ching-Feng; Chi, Nai-Hsin; Wang, Shoei-Shen
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:27:52Z Dimerized plasmin fragment D as a potential biomarker to predict successful catheter-directed thrombolysis therapy in acute deep vein thrombosis Luo, Chien-Ming;Wu, I-Hui;Chan, Chih-Yang;Chen, Yih-Sharng;Yang, Wei-Shiung;Wang, Shoei-Shen; Luo, Chien-Ming; Wu, I-Hui; Chan, Chih-Yang; Chen, Yih-Sharng; Yang, Wei-Shiung; Wang, Shoei-Shen
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:22:26Z Highlighting Indication of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in endocrine emergencies Chi, Nai-Hsin; Huang, Shu-Chien; Wu, I-Hui; Tseng, Li-Jung; Lin, Ming-Hsien; Chen, Yih-Sharng; �P�i�e; HSI-YU YU; Yu, Hsi-Yu; ANNE CHAO; Chou, Nai-Kwoun; NAI-HSIN CHI; You, Hao-Chun; Wang, Chih-Hsien; I-Hui Wu; Chao, Anne; CHIH-HSIEN WANG; Chao, A. and Wang, C.-H. and You, H.-C. and Chou, N.-K. and Yu, H.-Y. and Chi, N.-H. and Huang, S.-C. and Wu, I.-H. and Tseng, L.-J. and Lin, M.-H. and Chen, Y.-S.; Chao, Anne;Wang, Chih-Hsien;You, Hao-Chun;Chou, Nai-Kwoun;Yu, Hsi-Yu;Chi, Nai-Hsin;Huang, Shu-Chien;Wu, I-Hui;Tseng, Li-Jung;Lin, Ming-Hsien;Chen, Yih-Sharng; 紀乃新;虞希禹;吳毅暉;陳益祥;周迺寬;趙安怡;王植賢;黃書健
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T15:02:01Z Association of lower extremity arterial calcification with amputation and mortality in patients with symptomatic peripheral artery disease Huang, Chi-Lun;Wu, I-Hui;Wu, Yen-Wen;Hwang, Juey-Jen;Wang, Shoei-Shen;Chen, Wen-Jone;Lee, Wen-Jeng;Yang, Wei-Shiung; Huang, C.-L. and Wu, I.-H. and Wu, Y.-W. and Hwang, J.-J. and Wang, S.-S. and Chen, W.-J. and Lee, W.-J. and Yang, W.-S.; 吳毅暉;吳彥雯;陳文鍾;李文正;楊偉勛;王水深;黃瑞仁; Huang, Chi-Lun; JUEY-JEN HWANG; SHOEI-SHEN WANG; Wu, I-Hui; Wu, Yen-Wen; WEI-SHIUNG YANG; I-Hui Wu; Hwang, Juey-Jen; YEN-WEN WU; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Chen, Wen-Jone; WEN-JONE CHEN; WEN-JENG LEE; Lee, Wen-Jeng; Yang, Wei-Shiung
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T09:27:04Z Successful deployment of an iliac limb graft to repair acute aortic rupture after balloon aortoplasty of recoarctation in a child with Turner syndrome Wu, I-Hui;Wu, Mei-Hwan;Chen, Shy-Jye;Wang, Shoei-Shen;Chang, Chung-I; Wu, I.-H. and Wu, M.-H. and Chen, S.-J. and Wang, S.-S. and Chang, C.-I.; 吳毅暉 ;吳美環 ;陳世杰 ;王水深 ;張重義; SHYH-JYE CHEN; Wu, I-Hui; MEI-HWAN WU; Wu, Mei-Hwan; I-Hui Wu; Chen, Shy-Jye; SHOEI-SHEN WANG; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Chang, Chung-I; CHUNG-I CHANG
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T07:45:58Z Selective medical treatment of infected aneurysms of the aorta in high risk patients WU, I-HUI; LIN, FANG-YUE; CHANG, CHUNG-I; Hsu, R.-B. and Chang, C.-I. and Wu, I.-H. and Lin, F.-Y.; 許榮彬;張重義;吳毅暉;林芳郁; HSU, RON-BIN;CHANG, CHUNG-I;WU, I-HUI;LIN, FANG-YUE; I-Hui Wu; CHUNG-I CHANG; HSU, RON-BIN
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T07:12:19Z Heart Transplantation Under Cyclosporine or Tacrolimus Combined With Mycophenolate Mofetil or Everolimus 王水深;周迺寬;紀乃新;吳毅暉;陳益祥;虞希禹;黃嵩雀;王植賢;柯文哲;曹傳怡; CHOU, NAI-KUAN; CHI, NAI-HSIN; WU, I-HUI; CHEN, YIH-SHARNG; YU, HSI-YU; HUANG, SONG-CHEI; WANG, CHIH-HSIEN; KO, WEN-JE; TSAO, CHUAN-I; WANG, SHOEI -SHEN; CHIH-HSIEN WANG; Nai-Kuan Chou; SHOEI-SHEN WANG; I-Hui Wu; SHU-CHIEN HUANG; NAI-HSIN CHI; HSI-YU YU; WANG, SHOEI-SHEN; CHOU, NAI-KUAN; CHI, NAI-HSIN; WU, I-HUI; CHEN, YIH-SHARNG; YU, HSI-YU; HUANG, SONG-CHEI; WANG, CHIH-HSIEN; KO, WEN-JE; TSAO, CHUAN-I; WANG, SHOEI -SHEN
國立臺灣大學 2016 The outcome of patients requiring multiple extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: how many runs of ECMO is reasonable? Chou, Heng-Wen; Chang, Te-I; Wang, Chih-Hsien; Chou, Nai-Kuan; Chi, Nai-Hsin; Huang, Shu-Chien; Wu, I-Hui; Chan, Chih-Yang; Ponge, Lee-Mei; Wang, Ya-Chen; Chen, Yih-Sharng; 紀乃新; 詹志洋; 吳毅暉; 陳益祥; 周迺寬; 王植賢; 黃書健; 周恒文
國立臺灣大學 2016 Image-guided thoracoscopic surgery with dye localization in a hybrid operating room Yang, Shun-Mao; Ko, Wei-Chun; Lin, Mong-Wei; Hsu, Hsao-Hsun; Chan, Chih-Yang; Wu, I-Hui; Chang, Yeun-Chung; Chen, Jin-Shing; 楊順貿; 詹志洋; 吳毅暉; 張允中; 柯維鈞; 林孟暐; 徐紹勛; 陳晉興
國立臺灣大學 2015 探討利用胸腹主動脈覆膜支架治療主動脈瘤的臨床幾何學及生物標誌 吳毅暉; Wu, I-Hui
國立臺灣大學 2015 Crossover Chimney Technique to Preserve the Internal Iliac Artery During Endovascular Repair of Iliac or Aortoiliac Aneurysms: Midterm Results Wu, I-Hui; Chou, Heng-Wen; Chang, Chin-Hao; Lin, Ching-Feng; Chi, Nai-Hsin; Wang, Shoei-Shen; 紀乃新; 吳毅暉; 王水深; 張晉豪; 周恒文
國立臺灣大學 2015 A Novel Bubble-Mixture Method to Improve Dynamic Images in Carbon Dioxide Angiography Chang, Te-I; Chan, Chih-Yang; Su, Shing-Kuan; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Wu, I-Hui; 詹志洋; 吳毅暉; 王水深
國立臺灣大學 2015 Dimerized plasmin fragment D as a potential biomarker to predict successful catheter-directed thrombolysis therapy in acute deep vein thrombosis Luo, Chien-Ming; Wu, I-Hui; Chan, Chih-Yang; Chen, Yih-Sharng; Yang, Wei-Shiung; Wang, Shoei-Shen; 詹志洋; 吳毅暉; 陳益祥; 楊偉勛; 王水深
國立臺灣大學 2015 Pseudoaneurysm after sutureless repair of left ventricular free wall rupture: Sequential magnetic resonance imaging demonstration Hsieh, Yung-Kun; Lee, Chien-Hui; Chen, Yih-Sharng; Wu, I-Hui; 吳毅暉; 陳益祥
國立臺灣大學 2015 Risk factors and outcome analysis after surgical management of ventricular septal rupture complicating acute myocardial infarction: a retrospective analysis Huang, Shih-Ming; Huang, Shu-Chien; Wang, Chih-Hsien; Wu, I-Hui; Chi, Nai-Hsin; Yu, Hsi-Yu; Hsu, Ron-Bin; Chang, Chung-I; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Chen, Yih-Sharng; 紀乃新; 虞希禹; 吳毅暉; 陳益祥; 許榮彬; 王植賢; 黃書健; 王水深; 張重義
國立臺灣大學 2015 Highlighting Indication of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in endocrine emergencies Chao, Anne; Wang, Chih-Hsien; You, Hao-Chun; Chou, Nai-Kwoun; Yu, Hsi-Yu; Chi, Nai-Hsin; Huang, Shu-Chien; Wu, I-Hui; Tseng, Li-Jung; Lin, Ming-Hsien; Chen, Yih-Sharng; 紀乃新; 虞希禹; 吳毅暉; 陳益祥; 周迺寬; 趙安怡; 王植賢; 黃書健
國立臺灣大學 2014 Association of Lower Extremity Arterial Calcification with Amputation and Mortality in Patients with Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease Huang, Chi-Lun; Wu, I-Hui; Wu, Yen-Wen; Hwang, Juey-Jen; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Chen, Wen-Jone; Lee, Wen-Jeng; Yang, Wei-Shiung; 吳毅暉; 吳彥雯; 陳文鍾; 李文正; 楊偉勛; 王水深; 黃瑞仁
國立臺灣大學 2014 Robotic mitral valve repair in infective endocarditis Chi, Nai-Hsin; Huang, Chi-Hsiang; Huang, Shu-Chien; Yu, Hsi-Yu; Chen, Yih-Sharng; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Wu, I-Hui; 紀乃新; 虞希禹; 吳毅暉; 陳益祥; 黃書健; 王水深
國立臺灣大學 2014 Outcomes following endovascular or open repair for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm in a Chinese population Wu, Chao-Ying; Chan, Chih-Yang; Huang, Shu-Chien; Chi, Nai-Shin; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Wu, I-Hui; 紀乃新; 詹志洋; 吳毅暉; 黃書健; 王水深
國立臺灣大學 2014 One-stage Hybrid Repair to Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm Wu, I-Hui; Chan, Chih-Yang; Liang, Po-Chin; Huang, Shu-Chien; Chi, Nai-Shin; Wang, Shoei-Shen; 紀乃新; 詹志洋; 吳毅暉; 黃書健; 王水深; 梁博欽
國立臺灣大學 2014 How to size the main aortic endograft in a chimney procedure Chou, Heng-Wen; Chan, Chih-Yang; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Wu, I-Hui; 詹志洋; 吳毅暉; 王水深; 周恒文
國立臺灣大學 2014 Clinical Applications of Extracorporeal Membranous Oxygenation: A Mini-Review Hsu, Jiun; Wang, Chih-Hsien; Huang, Shu-Chien; Yu, Hsi-Yu; Chi, Nai-Hsin; Wu, I-Hui; Chan, Chih-Yang; Chang, Chung-I; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Chen, Yih-Sharng; 紀乃新; 虞希禹; 詹志洋; 吳毅暉; 陳益祥; 王植賢; 黃書健; 王水深; 許鈞; 張重義
國立臺灣大學 2014 Improved outcome of extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest - A comparison with that for extracorporeal rescue for in-hospital cardiac arrest Wang, Chih-Hsien; Chou, Nai-Kuan; Becker, Lance B.; Lin, Jou-Wei; Yu, Hsi-Yu; Chi, Nai-Hsin; Hunag, Shu-Chien; Ko, Wen-Je; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Tseng, Li-Jung; Lin, Ming-Hsien; Wu, I-Hui; Ma, Matthew Huei-Ming; Chen, Yih-Sharng; 紀乃新; 虞希禹; 馬惠明; 吳毅暉; 陳益祥; 周迺寬; 王植賢; 柯文哲; 王水深; 林昭維
國立臺灣大學 2014 Heart Transplantation in Endstage Rheumatic Heart Disease - Experience of an Endemic Area Chi, Nai-Hsin; Chou, Nai-Kuan; Yu, Ya-Hui; Yu, Hsi-Yu; Wu, I-Hui; Chen, Yih-Sharng; Huang, Shu-Chien; Ko, Wen-Je; Wang, Shoei-Shen; 紀乃新; 虞希禹; 吳毅暉; 陳益祥; 周迺寬; 黃書健; 柯文哲; 王水深
國立臺灣大學 2014 Transapical Endovascular Repair with a Table-Tailored Endograft to Treat Ascending Aortic Dissection Luo, Chien-Ming; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Chi, Nai-Hsin; Wu, I-Hui; 紀乃新; 吳毅暉; 王水深
亞洲大學 201308 Loss of let-7 microRNA upregulates IL-6 in bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells triggering a reactive stromal response to prostate cancer Shian-Ying, S;Sung, Shian-Ying;Lia, Chia-Hui;Liao, Chia-Hui;Wu, Hsun-Pai;Wu, Hsun-Pai;Hsia, Wan-Chi;Hsiao, Wan-Chi;Wu, I-Hui;Wu, I-Hui;Yu, Jinpu;Yu, Jinpu;Lin, Sue-Hwa;Lin, Sue-Hwa;謝嘉玲;Hsieh, Chia-Ling
亞洲大學 2013 Loss of let-7 microRNA upregulates IL-6 in bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells triggering a reactive stromal response to prostate cancer Shian-Ying, S;Sung, Shian-Ying;Lia, Chia-Hui;Liao, Chia-Hui;Wu, Hsun-Pai;Wu, Hsun-Pai;Hsia, Wan-Chi;Hsiao, Wan-Chi;Wu, I-Hui;Wu, I-Hui;Yu, Jinpu;Yu, Jinpu;Lin, Sue-Hwa;Lin, Sue-Hwa;謝嘉玲;Hsieh, Chia-Ling
國立臺灣大學 2013 Ventricular Septal Rupture Following an Acute Inferior Wall Myocardial Infarction Detected by Computed Tomography Imaging Chen, Jeng-Wei; Chen, Yih-Sharng; Chi, Nai-Shin; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Wu, I-Hui; 吳毅暉; 陳益祥; 王水深
國立臺灣大學 2013 Hybrid Repair of Simultaneous Multiple Mycotic Aortic Aneurysms Lin, Che-An; Chan, Chih-Yang; Wu, I-Hui; 詹志洋; 吳毅暉
國立臺灣大學 2013 Crossover Chimney Technique to Preserve the Internal Iliac Artery in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm With Common Iliac Artery Aneurysms Wu, I-Hui; Chan, Chih-Yang; Chen, Yih-Sharng; Huang, Shu-Chien; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Chi, Nai-Hsin; 紀乃新; 詹志洋; 吳毅暉; 陳益祥; 黃書健; 王水深
國立臺灣大學 2012 Successful deployment of an iliac limb graft to repair acute aortic rupture after balloon aortoplasty of recoarctation in a child with Turner syndrome Wu, I-Hui; Wu, Mei-Hwan; Chen, Shy-Jye; Wang, Shoei-Shen; Chang, Chung-I; 吳毅暉; 吳美環; 陳世杰; 王水深; 張重義
國立臺灣大學 2011 Infected Aneurysms of the Suprarenal Abdominal Aorta 許榮彬; 張重義; 詹志洋; 吳毅暉; HSU, RON-BIN; CHANG, CHUNG-I; CHAN, CHIH-YANG; WU, I-HUI

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