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"wu l s"
Showing items 76-83 of 83 (4 Page(s) Totally) << < 1 2 3 4 View [10|25|50] records per page
國立彰化師範大學 |
2003 |
Total Synthesis of Disparacetylfuran A
Wu, L. S. ; Lee, Yean-Jang |
國立臺灣大學 |
2002 |
Isocupressic acid blocks progesterone production from bovine luteal cells.
邱智賢; Wu, L.S.; Chen, J.C.; Sheu, S.Y.; Huang, C.C.; Kuo, Y.H.; Chiu, C.H.; Lian, W.X.; Yang, C.J.; Lin, J.H. |
國立臺灣大學 |
2000 |
Ginseng flowers stimulate progesterone production from bovine luteal cells.
Wu, L.S.; Sheu, S.Y.; Huang, C.C.; Chiu, C.H.; Huang, J.C.; Yang, J.R.; Lian, W.X.; Lai, C.H.; Chen, Y.P.; Lin, J.H. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2000 |
Ginseng flowers stimulate progesterone production from bovine luteal cells.
Huang, C.C.; Chiu, C.H.; Huang, J.C.; Yang, J.R.; Lian, W.X.; Lai, C.H.; Chen, Y.P.; Lin, J.H.; Wu, L.S.; Sheu, S.Y.; Wu, L.S.; Sheu, S.Y.; Huang, C.C.; Chiu, C.H.; Huang, J.C.; Yang, J.R.; Lian, W.X.; Lai, C.H.; Chen, Y.P.;Lin, J.H. |
國立臺灣大學 |
1994 |
Mechanism of Trophic Hormone Action on the Regulation of Steroid Biosynthesis
鍾邦柱; Guo, I. C.; Wu, L. S.; Lin, J. H.; Chung, Bon-Chu; Guo, I. C.; Wu, L. S.; Lin, J. H. |
國立臺灣大學 |
1992 |
Corisol in Eggs and Larvae of Teleosts
黃鵬鵬; Wu, S. M.; Lin, J. H.; Wu, L. S.; Hwang, Pung-Pung; Wu, S. M.; Lin, J. H.; Wu, L. S. |
國立臺灣大學 |
1989-10 |
The Establishment of Microtitre Plate Enzyme Immunoassay for Progesterone in Bovine Milk
Wu, L. S.; Wang, H. L.; Fang, S. W.; 莊榮輝; Chang, S. C.; Hwang, S. Y.; Lin, J. H.; Wu, L. S.; Wang, H. L.; Fang, S. W.; Juang, Rong-Huay; Chang, S. C.; Hwang, S. Y.; Lin, J. H. |
臺大學術典藏 |
1985 |
The adrenocortical function of alloxan-induced diabetic rats.
Lin, J.H.;Shieh, M.H.;Wu, L.S.;Lin, W.H.; Lin, J.H.; Shieh, M.H.; Wu, L.S.; Lin, W.H.; LEANG-SHIN WU |
Showing items 76-83 of 83 (4 Page(s) Totally) << < 1 2 3 4 View [10|25|50] records per page