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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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Showing items 376-387 of 387  (16 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
國立成功大學 1996 Tanshinketolactone, a new tanshinone from Salvia miltiorrhiza Lin, H. C.; Chang, W. L.; Wu, Pei-Lin; Wu, Tian-Shung
國立成功大學 1996 Constituents of Persea japonica Wang, Chao-Chiun; Kuoh, Chang-Sheng; Wu, Tian-Shung
國立臺灣大學 1993 PAF Coungiation in Vitro and in Vivo by Aglafoline from Aglaia Elliptifolia Merr. Ko, Feng-Nien; Wu, Tian-Shung; Liou, Meei-Jen; 鄧哲明; Ko, Feng-Nien; Wu, Tian-Shung; Liou, Meei-Jen; Teng, Che-Ming
嘉南藥理大學 1982 A Survey of Taiwan Folk Medicinal Plants for the Remedy of Gastric Disorders Kuoh, Chang-Sheng; Wu, Tian-Shung; Chen, Ming-Tyan
嘉南藥理大學 1982 Acridone Alkaloids from Severinia Buxifolia Wu, Tian-Shung; Kuoh, Cheng-Sheng; Furukawa, Hiroshi
嘉南藥理大學 1982 Acridone Alkaloids IV. Structures of Four New Acridone Alkaloids from Glycosmis Citrifolia (Willd.) Ljndl. Wu, Tian-Shung; Furukawa, Hiroshi; Kuoh, Chang-Sheng
嘉南藥理大學 1982 Constituents of Citrus Depressa (Rutaceae). Characterizations of Five New Acridone Alkaloids Wu, Tian-Shung; Furukawa, Hiroshi; Kuoh, Chang-Sheng
嘉南藥理大學 1982 Flavamone and Other Constituents from Onychium Siliculosum Wu, Tian-Shung; Kuoh, Cheng-Sheng; Ho, Shien-Tsong; Yang, Meei-Shieu; Lee, Kong-Ko
嘉南藥理大學 1981 Constituents of Formosan Folk Medicine ⅤⅢ¹ Flavonoids of The Leaves of Cirsium albescens, C. japonicum var. australe, C. kawakamii f. variegatum And C. hosogawa Wu, Tian-Shung; Kuoh, Chang-Sheng; Jen, Sheu-In
嘉南藥理大學 1980 Constituents of Formosan Folk Medicine Ⅳ. The Constituents of The Leaves of Phellodendron wilsonii Hayata et Kanehira Wu, TIAN-SHUNG
嘉南藥理大學 1979 Studies on the Taiwan Folk Medicine I Pharmacological Properties of Combined Aqueous Extract from Pteris ensiformu Burm. f., Onychium japonicum (rThunb.J Kunze and Euphorbia chanwesyce L. Ho, Shien Tsang; Yang, Meei Shieu; Tsai, Shui Piao; Wu, Tian Shung
嘉南藥理大學 1977 Studies on the Constituents of Formosan Gentianaceous Plants: Part 1. Constituents of Swertia Randaiensis Hayata Wu, Tian-Shung; Tien, Hsieh-Ju; Lin, Ghung-Nan

Showing items 376-387 of 387  (16 Page(s) Totally)
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