"yih chi tan"的相關文件
顯示項目 61-82 / 82 (共4頁) << < 1 2 3 4 > >> 每頁顯示[10|25|50]項目
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T05:59:55Z |
Mapping of spatial multi-scale sources of arsenic variation in groundwater on ChiaNan floodplain of Taiwan
Tan, Yih-Chi;YIH-CHI TAN;Liu, Chen-Wuing;Lin, Yu-Pin;YU-PIN LIN;CHEN-WUING LIU;Lin, Yun-Bin;Tan, Y.-C.;Liu, C.-W.;Lin, Y.-P.;Lin, Y.-B.; Lin, Y.-B.; Lin, Y.-P.; Liu, C.-W.; Tan, Y.-C.; Lin, Yun-Bin; CHEN-WUING LIU; YU-PIN LIN; Lin, Yu-Pin; Liu, Chen-Wuing; YIH-CHI TAN; Tan, Yih-Chi |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T05:59:53Z |
An Analytical solution of transient state of the water table fluctuations due to the ditch recharge on an inclined leaky layer
YIH-CHI TAN;Chu-Hui Chen;Yih-Chi Tan;Chien-Jen Hung; Chien-Jen Hung; Yih-Chi Tan; Chu-Hui Chen; YIH-CHI TAN |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T05:59:53Z |
YIH-CHI TAN;譚義績;陳主惠;李奕達;馬國宸; 馬國宸; 李奕達; 陳主惠; 譚義績; YIH-CHI TAN |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T05:59:49Z |
Analytical solution of water table fluctuations above an inclined leaky layer due to ditch recharge
YIH-CHI TAN;Chang, P.-W.;Chen, J.-M.;Chen, C.-H.;Tan, Y.-C.;Hung, C.-J.; Hung, C.-J.; Tan, Y.-C.; Chen, C.-H.; Chen, J.-M.; Chang, P.-W.; YIH-CHI TAN |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T05:24:33Z |
A novel hysteresis model in unsaturated soil
YIH-CHI TAN;CHEN-WUING LIU;Chen, C.-H.;Liu, C.-W.;Tan, Y.-C.;Huang, H.-C.; Huang, H.-C.; Tan, Y.-C.; Liu, C.-W.; Chen, C.-H.; CHEN-WUING LIU; YIH-CHI TAN |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T05:24:33Z |
Analytical solutions of infiltration process under ponding irrigation
YIH-CHI TAN;Tan, Y.-C.;Chen, J.-M.; Chen, J.-M.; Tan, Y.-C.; YIH-CHI TAN |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T04:56:36Z |
Geostatistical method to delineate anomalies of multi-scale spatial variation in hydrogeological changes due to the ChiChi earthquake in the ChouShui River alluvial fan in Taiwan
Lin, Y.-B.;Tan, Y.-C.;Lin, Y.-P.;Liu, C.-W.;Hung, C.-J.; Lin, Y.-B.; Tan, Y.-C.; Lin, Y.-P.; Liu, C.-W.; Hung, C.-J.; CHEN-WUING LIU; Lin, Yun-Bin; Tan, Yih-Chi; YU-PIN LIN; YIH-CHI TAN; Lin, Yu-Pin; Liu, Chen-Wuing; Hung, Chien-Jen |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T04:56:32Z |
Regional daily baseflow prediction
Tung, C.-P.;Hong, N.-M.;Chen, C.-H.;Tan, Y.-C.; Tung, C.-P.; Hong, N.-M.; Chen, C.-H.; Tan, Y.-C.; Tung, Ching-pin; YIH-CHI TAN; CHING-PIN TUNG; Hong, Nien-ming; Chen, Chu-hui; Tan, Yih-chi |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T04:56:32Z |
The Relationship between Boussinesq Equation and Non-linear Storage of Baseflow Simulation
Tung, C.-P.;Hong, N.-M.;Chen, C.-H.;Tan, Y.-C.; Tung, C.-P.; Hong, N.-M.; Chen, C.-H.; Tan, Y.-C.; YIH-CHI TAN |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T04:56:31Z |
A viscoelastic model for groundwater level changes in the Cho-Shui River alluvial fan after the Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan
Lin, Y.-B.;Tan, Y.-C.;Yeh, T.-C.J.;Liu, C.-W.;Chen, C.-H.; Lin, Y.-B.; Tan, Y.-C.; Yeh, T.-C.J.; Liu, C.-W.; Chen, C.-H.; YIH-CHI TAN |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T04:56:31Z |
Experimental study of consolidation properties of unsaturated soils during draining
Ke, K.-Y.;Tan, Y.-C.;Chen, C.-H.;Chim, K.-S.;Yeh, T.-C.J.; Ke, K.-Y.; Tan, Y.-C.; Chen, C.-H.; Chim, K.-S.; Yeh, T.-C.J.; YIH-CHI TAN |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T04:33:44Z |
Analytical solutions of one-dimensional infiltration before and after ponding
Chen, J.-M.;Tan, Y.-C.;Chen, C.-H.; Chen, J.-M.; Tan, Y.-C.; Chen, C.-H.; YIH-CHI TAN |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T03:48:36Z |
Analytical solutions for linearized Richards equation with arbitrary time-dependent surface fluxes
Chen, J.-M.;Tan, Y.-C.;Chen, C.-H.;Parlange, J.-Y.; Chen, J.-M.; Tan, Y.-C.; Chen, C.-H.; Parlange, J.-Y.; YIH-CHI TAN |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T03:48:36Z |
Stochastic series lumped rainfall-runoff model for a watershed in Taiwan
Lee, C.-C.; Tan, Y.-C.; Chen, C.-H.; Jim Yeh, T.-C.; Lee, C.-C.; Tan, Y.-C.; Chen, C.-H.; Jim Yeh, T.-C.; YIH-CHI TAN |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T03:48:25Z |
Identifying spatial characteristics of transmissivity using simulated annealing and kriging methods
Lin, Y.-P.;Tan, Y.-C.;Rouhani, S.; Lin, Y.-P.; Tan, Y.-C.; Rouhani, S.; Lin, Yu-Pin; YU-PIN LIN; Tan, Yih-Chi; YIH-CHI TAN; Rouhani, Shahrokh |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T03:30:15Z |
Geostatical approach for identification of transmissivity structure at Dulliu area in Taiwan
Lin, Y.-P.; Lee, C.-C.; Tan, Y.-C.; Lin, Y.-P.; Lee, C.-C.; Tan, Y.-C.; YIH-CHI TAN; Lin, Yu-Pin; Lee, Chi-Chun; Tan, Y.-C. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2015 |
Tsunami risk map - A case sstudy of gongliao district
Lin, Y.-J.; Chang, H.-K.; Ma, K.-C.; Wu, T.-R.; Lai, J.-S.; Tan, Y.-C.; Chang, T.-J.; YIH-CHI TAN |
臺大學術典藏 |
2014 |
黃振家; 譚義績; 李豐佐; 賴進松; 謝慧民; 康新詠; YIH-CHI TAN |
臺大學術典藏 |
2013 |
Fusion of Active and Passive Hydrologic and Geophysical Tomographic Surveys: The Future of Subsurface Characterization
Lee C.H.; Hsu K.-C.; Tan Y.-C.; YIH-CHI TAN; Yeh T.-C.J. |
國立臺灣大學 |
2010-01 |
Using MEMS Sensors in the Bridge Scour Monitoring System
Yung-Bin; Jihn-Sung Lai; Kuo-Chun Chang; Wen-Yi Chang; Fong-Zuo Lee; Yih-Chi Tan |
臺大學術典藏 |
2009 |
Efficacy of mulching, irrigation and nitrogen applications on bottle gourd and okra for yield improvement and crop diversification
Sharma, K. R.; Shukla, A. K.; Shakya, S. M.; Tan, Y.-C.;Lai, J.-S.;Adhikari, K.R.;Shakya, S.M.;Shukla, A.K.;Sharma, K.R.; Tan, Y.-C.; Lai, J.-S.; Adhikari, K.R.; Shakya, S.M.; Shukla, A.K.; Sharma, K.R.; Tan, Yih-Chi; YIH-CHI TAN; Lai, Jihn-Sung; Adhikari, K. R. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2001 |
Multidimensional infiltration with arbitrary surface fluxes
Chen, J.-M.; Tan, Y.-C.; Chen, C.-H.; YIH-CHI TAN; Chen, J.-M.; Tan, Y.-C.; Chen, C.-H. |
顯示項目 61-82 / 82 (共4頁) << < 1 2 3 4 > >> 每頁顯示[10|25|50]項目