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Showing items 233751-233775 of 1326770  (53071 Page(s) Totally)
<< < 9346 9347 9348 9349 9350 9351 9352 9353 9354 9355 > >>
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Author No. of items
Hsiao, C. M 6
Hsiao, C. N. 30
Hsiao, C.P. 3
Hsiao, C. S. 15
Hsiao, C. T. 35
Hsiao, C.-T.a, Chang, P.-L.b, Chen, C.-W.b, Huang, H.-H. 1
Hsiao, C.-T.a, Chang, P.-L.b, Ho, S.-P.cd 1
Hsiao, C.-T.a, Huang, H.-H.b 1
Hsiao, C.-T.a, Peng, H.-L.bc, Huang, H.-H.d 1
Hsiao, C.T. and Ho, S.P. 1
Hsiao, C.T. and Hsiung, T.H 1
Hsiao, C.T. and Huang, H.H 2
Hsiao, C.T. and Yao, M.H. 1
Hsiao, C.T., Chang, P.L. and Ho, S.P 2
Hsiao, C. T., J. Y. Pai and H.Chiu 1
Hsiao, C. T., Lin, J. S. and Chang, K.P. 1
Hsiao, C.-T., Liu, C.-S. 1
Hsiao, C.T., Liu, C.S. and Lo, W.C. 1
Hsiao, C.T., Peng, H.L. and Huang, H-H. 2
Hsiao, C.T., Peng, H.L. and Lee, B. C. Y 1
Hsiao, C.T., Peng, H.L. & Huang, H.H. 1
Hsiao, C.T., Wong, Y.H. and Yao, M.H 1
Hsiao, C., Tannenbaum, E., Van Deusen, H., Hershkovitz, E., Perng, G., Tannenbaumc, A.R., Williams, L. D 1
Hsiao, C.-W. 26
Hsiao, C. Y. 155

Showing items 233751-233775 of 1326770  (53071 Page(s) Totally)
<< < 9346 9347 9348 9349 9350 9351 9352 9353 9354 9355 > >>
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