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Showing items 2297776-2297800 of 2313666  (92547 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
朝陽科技大學 2024-02-16 幼兒品格教育「德目」課程設計與實施 林芷; LIN, CHIH
朝陽科技大學 2024-02-16 蒙特梭利美感教育之探究—以學習環境為例 譚婉渟; TAM, YUEN TING JESSICA
朝陽科技大學 2024-02-16 Amorphous MoWSx Alloy Nanosheets via Room-Temperature Precipitation Method for Enhanced Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reactions Chougule, Sourabh S; Arumugam, Bharathi; Kumar Alagarasan, Jagadeesh; Hasan, Imran; Thomas, Nygil; Rajashekar, Vinaykumar; Srinivasan, Ramachandran; Yadav, Akhilesh Kumar; Somu, Prathap; Lee, Moonyong; Jeffery, Arokia Anto
朝陽科技大學 2024-02-17 Exploring the advertising elements of electronic word-of-mouth in social media: An example of game reviews 陳隆昇; Mayopu, Richard G.; Wang,Yi-Yun; Chen, Long-Sheng
國家衛生研究院 2024-02-17 Melatonin inhibits the formation of chemically induced experimental encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis through modulation of T cell differentiation by suppressing of NF-kappaB activation in dendritic cells[Erratum:International Immunopharmacology. 2023 Nov 27;126:Article number 1111300.] Huang, SH;Hong, ZJ;Chen, MF;Tsai, MW;Chen, SJ;Cheng, CP;Sytwu, HK;Lin, GJ
國家衛生研究院 2024-02-17 Effect of early dexamethasone on outcomes of COVID-19: A quasi-experimental study using propensity score matching Liu, WD;Wang, JT;Shih, MC;Chen, KH;Huang, ST;Huang, CF;Chang, TH;Tsai, MJ;Kuo, PH;Yeh, YC;Tsai, WC;Pan, MY;Li, GC;Chen, YJ;Lin, KY;Huang, YS;Cheng, A;Chen, PY;Pan, SC;Sun, HY;Ku, SC;Chang, SY;Sheng, WH;Fang, CT;Hung, CC;Chen, YC;Ho, YL;Wu, MS;Chang, SC
美和科技大學 2024-02-19 第2型糖尿病病人併發糖尿病神經病變風險模式之探討 李昭憲; 蘇英華
淡江大學 2024-02-19 Internal versus external capital markets and risk-taking Hsiao, Ching-yuan
國家衛生研究院 2024-02-19 A biomimetic micropillar wound dressing with flavone and polyphenol control release in vitro and in vivo Cheng, TH;Lin, RH;Cheng, YS;Shih, PK;Show, PL;Chen, HY;Nakmee, PS;Chang, JJ;Huang, DM;Wang, HMD
朝陽科技大學 2024-02-19 綜合旅行社員工工作環境、工作焦慮對留任意願影響之研究 張崇雅; CHANG, CHUNG-YA
朝陽科技大學 2024-02-19 健身教練個人品牌對課程購買意願之影響 -以自我一致性與品牌依戀為中介 李御暉; LEE, YU-HUI
朝陽科技大學 2024-02-19 夯實方式與地工合成材料加勁尺寸對軟弱土層承載力提升效益與比較 張耿誌; Zhang, Geng-Zhi
淡江大學 2024-02-19 The angiogenesis-modulating effects of coumarin-derivatives Huang, Han-ting;Huang, Ching-yuan;Lee, Chih-jou;Sun, Bo-jie;Wen, Chi-chung;Wang, Yun-hsin;Chen, Yau-hung
國家衛生研究院 2024-02-20 Assessment of inhalation exposure to microplastic particles when disposable masks are repeatedly used Soo, JC;Wei, CH;Chen, JK;Dong, GC;Liu, ZS;Chou, HC;Perez, RL;Adhikari, A;Chen, YC
朝陽科技大學 2024-02-20 Curing kinetics study of chemically modified pineapple leaf fiber/epoxy composite 石燕鳳; 歐汀原; 陳政廷; 劉銘銳; Shih, Yeng-Fong; Ou, Ting-Yuan; Chen, Zheng-Ting; Chang, Chun-Wei; Lau, Edwin M.
朝陽科技大學 2024-02-20 The prevalence of stress and anxiety level among working employees in different service sectors during pandemic Verma, Pratima; Kumar, Vimal; Singh, Sumanjeet; Mittal, Ankesh; De, Tanmoy; Rishi, Mohit; 威瑪庫瑪
淡江大學 2024-02-20 Return to school practices after hematopoietic cell transplantation: a survey of transplant centers in the United States Mau, Lih-wen
國家衛生研究院 2024-02-20 Degeneration of the olfactory system in a murid rodent that evolved diurnalism Liao, BY;Weng, MP;Chang, TY;Chang, AY;Ching, YH;Wu, CH
淡江大學 2024-02-20 我總統大選後中共對臺政策變化及兩岸關係走向觀察 馬準威
朝陽科技大學 2024-02-20 影響消費者反展示廳行為之因素與用戶生成內容之研究 黃語柔; HUANG, YU-JOU
朝陽科技大學 2024-02-20 護理人員對於理財認知、理財行為與退休理財規劃之研究 -以中投地區院所為例 張宥葳; CHANG, YU-WEI
朝陽科技大學 2024-02-20 手指之摩擦儀驗證及摩擦係數量測 楊祐瑋; Yang, Yu-Wei
國家衛生研究院 2024-02-20 Chromatin remodeling-related PRDM1 increases stomach cancer proliferation and is counteracted by bromodomain inhibitor Hung, YH;Wang, HC;Pan, MR;Chen, LT
元智大學 2024-02-20 Personalized LoRA for Human-Centered Text Understanding You Zhang; Jin Wang; Liang-Chih Yu; Dan Xu; Xuejie Zhang
元智大學 2024-02-20 Personalized LoRA for Human-Centered Text Understanding You Zhang; Jin Wang; Liang-Chih Yu; Dan Xu; Xuejie Zhang

Showing items 2297776-2297800 of 2313666  (92547 Page(s) Totally)
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