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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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Showing items 2298026-2298050 of 2313666  (92547 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
美和科技大學 2024-03-10 屏東縣社區公共托育家園委託經營服務方案-屏東縣潮州鎮 李長燦; 黃金花; 曾麗琦; 李大正; 張齡友; 王明鳳
淡江大學 2024-03-10 我總統大選後中共因應作為-政治層面 馬準威
臺北醫學大學 2024-03-11 運用在地研究 陳震宇教授榮獲國科會傑出研究獎 秘書處
國家衛生研究院 2024-03-11 Asymmetric neurons are necessary for olfactory learning in the Drosophila brain Abubaker, MB;Hsu, FY;Feng, KL;Chu, LA;de Belle, JS;Chiang, AS
淡江大學 2024-03-11 The price continuity, return and volatility spillover effects of regular and after-hours trading Chiu, Chien-liang
國家衛生研究院 2024-03-11 MDCK-adaptive mutation of A169S changes glycosylation pattern of hemagglutinin and rnhances MDCK-based H7N9 vaccine virus production without loss of antigenicity and immunogenicity Chen, PL;Weng, TC;Lai, CC;Tzeng, TT;Lin, MH;Hu, KC;Hu, AYC;Lee, MS;Sung, WC
淡江大學 2024-03-11 Effects of bradycardia, hypoxemia and early intubation on bronchopulmonary dysplasia in very preterm infants: An observational study Chang, Yue-cune
淡江大學 2024-03-11 Potential application of 2D nano-layered MXene in analysing and remediating endocrine disruptor compounds and heavy metals in water Ho, Chii-dong
國立成功大學 2024-03-11 克隆氏症的流行病學、處方型態與生物製劑治療效果評估 陳乃瑜; Chen, Nai-Yu
輔英科技大學 2024-03-11T07:23:34Z Nursing students’ knowledge and attitude toward diabetic foot care in Vietnam 楊氏平
輔英科技大學 2024-03-11T07:23:36Z Explore the clinical nursing staff in palliative care knowledge、attitude and intention to sign advance directive decision making 簡羚芸
臺北醫學大學 2024-03-12 雙和醫院籲坐月子得考量就醫便利性 雙和醫院
臺北醫學大學 2024-03-12 潘秀玲院長研究團隊榮獲百靈佳「獨角獸2.0」 秘書處
國家衛生研究院 2024-03-12 Long-term analysis of humoral responses and spike-specific T cell memory to Omicron variants after different COVID-19 vaccine regimens Ho, CL;Yen, LC;Huang, HW;Lu, CC;Hung, YJ;Liao, CL;Hung, CM;Chiu, KC
淡江大學 2024-03-13 Carbon neutrality in wastewater treatment plants: An integrated biotechnological-based solution for nutrients recovery, odour abatement and CO2 conversion in alternative energy drivers Li, Chi-wang
國家衛生研究院 2024-03-13 Caffeic acid phenethyl ester suppresses the expression of androgen receptor variant 7 via inhibition of CDK1 and AKT Kuo, YY;Huo, C;Li, CY;Chuu, CP
國家衛生研究院 2024-03-13 Intestinal dual-specificity phosphatase 6 regulates the cold-induced gut microbiota remodeling to promote white adipose browning Chen, PC;Tsai, TP;Liao, YC;Liao, YC;Cheng, HW;Weng, YH;Lin, CM;Kao, CY;Tai, CC;Ruan, JW
國家衛生研究院 2024-03-13 Dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa is associated with glycolytically active GATA3+ Th2 cells which may contribute to pruritus in lesional skin Aala, WJF;Hou, PC;Hong, YK;Lin, YC;Lee, YR;Tu, WT;Papanikolaou, M;Benzian-Olsson, N;Onoufriadis, A;H, ICH;Hwang, DY;Cheng, SM;Lu, K;Chen, PC;McGrath, JA;Hsu, CK
國立成功大學 2024-03-13 探討東臺灣金屬器晚期的製陶技術與互動―以水璉遺址為例 陳柏聖; Chen, Po-sheng
國立成功大學 2024-03-13 探討伴侶關係、生殖顧慮、癌症復發擔憂與決策衝突於育齡期乳癌女性母職計畫之影響 邱幸嬋; Chiu, Hsing-Chan
國立成功大學 2024-03-13 泛自閉症大學生自我覺察的經驗 洪欣均; Hung, Hsin-Chun
淡江大學 2024-03-13T04:05:16Z Less Abstractness, Higher Motivation: How Racing-Car Game-Based Learning Teaching Method Can Increase Students’ Computer Programming Languages Learning Jow, Meiling;Shiao, Yaojung
淡江大學 2024-03-13T04:05:20Z Returnees' Predicaments: On George Lamming' s Of Age and Innocence and Season of Adventure Ozawa, Shizen
淡江大學 2024-03-13T04:05:23Z 後疫情時代下的教學變革 劉皇杏

Showing items 2298026-2298050 of 2313666  (92547 Page(s) Totally)
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