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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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Showing items 2309926-2309950 of 2312519  (92501 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
元智大學 Sep-23 Isolation of Spirosoma foliorum sp. nov. from the fallen leaf of Acer palmatum by a novel cultivation technique Ho Le Han; Dian Alfian Nurcahyanto; Neak Muhammad; Yong-Jae Lee; Tra T. H. Nguyen; Song-Gun Kim; Sook Sin Chan; Kuan Shiong Khoo; Kit Wayne Chew; Pau Loke Show; Thi Ngoc Thu Tran; Thi Dong Phuong Nguyen; Chen Yaw Chiu
元智大學 Sep-23 長照十年計畫2.0財務永續性之研究 蔡雅琄; 林昭吟; 王光旭; 陳敦源; I-chun Liu
元智大學 Sep-23 How does digital technology usage benefit firm performance? Digital transformation strategy and organizational innovation as mediators Tsou, H.-T.; Chen J.-S.
元智大學 Sep-23 Toward ultra-high efficiency tandem OLEDs: benzothiazole-based bipolar hosts and specific device architectures Jui-Ming Wang; Ting-Chun Lee; Chia-Chen Chung; Wun-Yu Chen; Sih-Yu Wu; Yan-Ding Lin; Yuan Jay Chang; Chin-Wei Lu*; Chih-Hao Chang*
元智大學 Sep-23 Exciplex forming phenyl-spaced phenoxazine D-A cohost for highly efficient red phosphorescent OLEDs Gokul Ganesan; B. Pownthurai; Jatin Lade; Kuan-Hsun Wang; Kuan-Wei Chen; Atul Chaskar*; Chih-Hao Chang*
元智大學 Sep-23 Toward ultra-high efficiency tandem OLEDs: benzothiazole-based bipolar hosts and specific device architectures Jui-Ming Wang; Ting-Chun Lee; Chia-Chen Chung; Wun-Yu Chen; Sih-Yu Wu; Yan-Ding Lin; Yuan Jay Chang; Chin-Wei Lu*; Chih-Hao Chang*
元智大學 Sep-23 Mapping the evolution path of citizen science in education: a bibliometric analysis 班納馬可(MARCO FABIO BENAGLIA); Yenchun Wu
國立政治大學 Sep-86 中國輸出入銀行管理制度之研究 林良楓
國立政治大學 Sep-99 優良會計事務處理電腦軟體確認制度 俞洪昭
淡江大學 September Fuzzy decision making systems based on interval type-2 fuzzy sets 陳錫明;Chen, Shyi-ming;王正一;Wang, Cheng-yi
臺大學術典藏 Short tandem repeat analysis for confirmation of uterine non-gestational choriocarcinoma in a postmenopausal Taiwanese woman + 123456789/64095
國立政治大學 SSRN-id2970486.pdf A Fake Right of Priority Under the Cross-Strait Agreement on Intellectual Property Right Protection and Cooperation 陳秉訓; Chen, Ping-Hsun
臺大學術典藏 Standardized uptake value and apparent diffusion coefficient of endometrial cancer evaluated with integrated whole-body PET/MR: Correlation with pathological prognostic factors + 123456789/64095
國立高雄第一科技大學 Summer 1997 A knowledge-based computer instruction system Fan, Joshua Poh-Onn;Mak, Tina Kwai-Lan;Shue, Li-Yen; 許蒞彥
亞洲大學 The Choice between Foreign Direct Investment and Export with Industry Competition and Marginal Cost 管理學院財務金融學系 2020; 張俊評
亞洲大學 The Choice between Foreign Direct Investment and Export with Industry Competition and Marginal Cost 管理學院財務金融學系 張俊評; Khunagai
亞洲大學 Trust and brand reputation in the sharing economy: customer intention perspective 管理學院經營管理學系 2020; yeneneh
亞洲大學 Trust and brand reputation in the sharing economy: customer intention perspective 管理學院經營管理學系 yeneneh; Panta
淡江大學 Unknow Enseñanza de español a sinohablantes: Estado de la cuestión Pena, José Miguel Blanco
臺大學術典藏 Uterine sarcoma part III�XTargeted therapy: The Taiwan Association of Gynecology (TAG) systematic review + 123456789/64095
國立暨南國際大學 uuuu 陳皆儒新聘教師送審文件 陳皆儒
國立暨南國際大學 uuuu 詹立行博士學術期刊著作全文 詹立行
國立暨南國際大學 uuuu 林松柏應徵教師參考著作 林松柏
臺大學術典藏 Visceral sliding technique is useful for detecting abdominal adhesion and preventing laparoscopic surgical complications + 123456789/64095
亞洲大學 Where is the water 珍惜水資源繪本創作研究 創意設計學院視覺傳達設計學系 2021; 謝省民

Showing items 2309926-2309950 of 2312519  (92501 Page(s) Totally)
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