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教育部委托研究计画      计画执行:国立台湾大学图书馆
臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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显示项目 2309976-2310000 / 2313666 (共92547页)
<< < 92395 92396 92397 92398 92399 92400 92401 92402 92403 92404 > >>

机构 日期 题名 作者
淡江大學 November 14, Palladium-catalyzed cascade endo-dig cycloisomerization and olefination with alkenes to access fused oxatricyclic compounds Yi-En Liang, Ming-Yiang Chang, Hsi Ho, Chun-Tang Chiou, Balaji D. Barve, Wen-Tai Li
國立政治大學 Oct-02 智慧資本之衡量:生物科技產業之先導性個案研究 林宛瑩
臺大學術典藏 Oct-02 Three-terminal transmission line protection using synchronized voltage and current phasor measurements Chen, Ching-Shan; Liu, Chih-Wen; Jiang, Joe-Air; Chen, Ching-Shan; Liu, Chih-Wen; Jiang, Joe-Air
國立政治大學 Oct-03 台灣高等教育擴充與整併之探析 湯志民
國立政治大學 Oct-05 94年度提升中小企業財務會計透明度及租稅公平研析計畫 馬秀如
國立政治大學 Oct-08 個人或營利事業透過興學基金會指定捐贈學校法人或學校得全數作為列舉扣除額或列為費用或損失規劃案稅式支出評估 周麗芳;羅德城;林良楓
元智大學 Oct-10 國內外體育教學模式研究現狀與發展趨勢 Wen-Chin Chen
元智大學 Oct-13 The Sautrāntika Theories of Life-Continuum in Light of Karma Tse-fu Kuan
元智大學 Oct-13 E世代公務員的創新激勵術 丘昌泰
元智大學 Oct-13 Imagination and Its Predictors: Old Categories, New Perspectives 江振維(Chen-Wei Chiang); 陳志銘(Chih-Ming Chen)
元智大學 Oct-14 Applying ICA monitoring and profile monitoring to statistical process control of manufacturing variability at multiple locations within the same unit 黃國格; Chuen-Sheng Cheng
元智大學 Oct-14 Fast Synthesis of Binary Pt−Sn Nanocatalysts onto Graphene Sheets for Promoted Catalytic Activity Chien-Te Hsieh; Y.-S. Chang; A. K. Roy; P.-Y. Yu; Ken-Ming Yin
元智大學 Oct-14 Flexible micro sensors for in-situ diagnosis of proton exchange membrane fuel cell Chia-Hung Chen; Chi-Yuan Lee; Shyong Lee; Yun-Min Liu
元智大學 Oct-14 Modified Oxalic Acid Co-Precipitation Method for Preparing Cu/ZnO/Al2O3/Cr2O3/CeO2 Catalysts for the Oxidative Reforming of Methanol to Produce Hydrogen Gas Donny Lesmana; Ho Shing Wu
元智大學 Oct-14 Optical and Glow Diagnostics of 13.56-MHz RF Plasma-PVDF Membrane Surface Interactions Chun Huang; Ching-Yuan Tsai; Wei-Chun Ma; Kuan-Ying Lai
元智大學 Oct-14 Glow Characterization of Octafluorocyclobutane RF Plasmas Chun Huang; Yan-Ren Wang; Wei-Chun Ma; Ching-Yuan Tsai
元智大學 Oct-14 Exploring redox-mediating characteristics of textile dye-bearing microbial fuel cells: Thionin and malachite green Bo-Yann Chen; Bin Xu; Lian-Jie Qin; Chi-Wei (John) Lan; Chung-Chuan Hsueh
元智大學 Oct-14 Interfacial atomic structure analysis at sub-angstrom resolution using aberration-corrected STEM Chien-Nan Hsiao; Shou-Yi Kuo; Fang-I Lai; Wei-Chun Chen
元智大學 Oct-14 知覺公平、補救後滿意度、負面口碑及行為意圖的關係—服務失誤嚴重性的干擾 李奇勳; 蘇瑞蓮; 陳嬿伊
元智大學 Oct-14 淺析中國大陸的網路監控政策 Chia-Huang Wang
元智大學 Oct-14 通識教育提升公民政治素養芻議 Deng-Wang Hsieh
元智大學 Oct-14 Industrial Cluster Involvement, Organizational Learning, and Organizational Adaptation: An Exploratory Study in High Technology Industrial Districts Hilary Cheng; Ming-Shan Niu; Kuei-Hsien Niu
元智大學 Oct-14 Financial Conglomerates and Board Structure on Bank Performance: Some Evidence After the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Hsin-Yu Liang; I-Ju Chen; Sheng-Syan Chen
元智大學 Oct-14 Simulations and Measurements of Electric Fields Emitted from a LTE Base Station in an Urban Area Hsing-Yi Chen; Tsung-Han Lin
元智大學 Oct-14 A 1 X 2 Dual-Band Antenna Array for Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) Handheld Reader Applications H. T. Hsu; T.J.Huang

显示项目 2309976-2310000 / 2313666 (共92547页)
<< < 92395 92396 92397 92398 92399 92400 92401 92402 92403 92404 > >>