中國醫藥大學 |
2003-03 |
Personal experience in sonographically guided directional vacuum-assisted breast biopsy
李靜枝(Ching-Chih Lee); 陳達人(Dar-Ren Chen); 李昭宏(Jau-Hong Lee); 鄭隆賓(Long-Bin Jeng) |
中國醫藥大學 |
2008-12-13 |
Personal experience of OA hook-plate
許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu); 洪勗珊(Hsu-Shan Hong); 蔡俊灝(Chun-Hao Tsai); 張家豪(Chia-Hao Chang); 陳英豪(Ying-Hao Chen); 馮逸卿(Yi-Chin Fong); 許弘昌(Horng-Chaung Hsu); 許晉榮(Chin-Jung Hsu) |
臺大學術典藏 |
2022-03-24T07:01:54Z |
Personal exposure assessment with open-path FTIR
CHANG-FU WU; Yost M.G.; Hashmonay R.A.; Larson T.V. |
高雄醫學大學 |
2006 |
Personal exposure for primary school students to volatile organic compounds
彭瓊瑜;T.S.Lin;L.J.Cho |
國家衛生研究院 |
2023-08-31 |
Personal exposure to aldehydes and potential health risks among schoolchildren in the city
Yen, YC;Ku, CH;Yao, TC;Tsai, HJ;Peng, CY;Chen, YC |
臺北醫學大學 |
2014 |
Personal Exposure to Household Particulate Matter
Huang, Ya-Li;Chen, Hua-Wei;Han, Bor-Cheng;Liu, Chien-Wei;Chuang, Hsiao-Chi;Lin, Lian-Yu;Chuang, Kai-Jen |
臺北醫學大學 |
2014 |
Personal exposure to household particulate matter, household activities and heart rate
YL, Huang;HW, Chen;BC, Han;CW, Liu;HC, Chuang;LY, Lin |
臺北醫學大學 |
2014 |
Personal exposure to household particulate matter, household activities and heart rate
Huang, YL;Chen, HW;Han, BC;Liu, CW;Chuang, HC;Lin, LY |
臺北醫學大學 |
2014 |
Personal exposure to household particulate matter, household activities and heart rate variability among housewives
Huang;Y-L;Chen;H-W;Han;B-C;Liu;C-W;Chuang;H-C;Lin;L-Y;Chuang;K-J |
臺北醫學大學 |
2014 |
Personal exposure to household particulate matter, household activities and heart rate variability among housewives
YL, Huang;HW, Chen;BC, Han;HC, Chuang;LY, Lin;KJ, Chuang |
臺北醫學大學 |
2014 |
Personal exposure to household particulate matter, household activities and heart rate variability among housewives
Huang;Y-L.;Chen;H-W.;Han;B-C.;Liu;C-W.;Chuang;H-C.;Lin;L-Y.;Chuang;K-J. |
臺北醫學大學 |
2014 |
Personal exposure to household particulate matter, household activities and heart rate variability among housewives
Huang, YL;Chen, HW;Han, BC;Chuang, HC;Lin, LY;Chuang, KJ |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-12-04T07:44:55Z |
Personal exposure to household particulate matter, household activities and heart rate variability among housewives
Huang Y.-L.; Chen H.-W.; Han B.-C.; Liu C.-W.; Chuang H.-C.; LIAN-YU LIN; Chuang K.-J. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2022-09-06T02:42:25Z |
Personal exposure to household particulate matter, household activities and heart rate variability among housewives
Huang Y.-L.; Chen H.-W.; Han B.-C.; Liu C.-W.; Chuang H.-C.; LIAN-YU LIN; Chuang K.-J. |
臺北醫學大學 |
2015 |
Personal exposure to particulate matter and inflammation among patients with periodontal Disease
Yang, T-H.;Masumi, S.;Weng, S-P.;Chen, H-W.;Chuang, H-C.;Chuang, K-J. |
臺北醫學大學 |
2015 |
Personal exposure to particulate matter and inflammation among patients with periodontal disease
TH, Yang;Masumi, S;SP, Weng;HW, Chen;HC, Chuang;KJ, Chuang |
臺北醫學大學 |
2015 |
Personal exposure to particulate matter and inflammation among patients with periodontal Disease
Yang, T-H.;Masumi, S.;Weng, S-P.;Chen, H-W.;Chuang, H-C.;Chuang, K-J. |
臺北醫學大學 |
2015 |
Personal exposure to particulate matter and inflammation among patients with periodontal disease
Yang, TH;Masumi, S;Weng, SP;Chen, HW;Chuang, HC;Chuang, KJ |
國立臺灣大學 |
2004 |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T04:45:49Z |
Personal exposure to submicrometer particles and heart rate variability in human subjects
Chan, C.-C.;Chuang, K.-J.;Shiao, G.-M.;Lin, L.-Y.; CHANG-CHUAN CHAN |
臺大學術典藏 |
2022-03-24T03:27:42Z |
Personal exposure to submicrometer particles and heart rate variability in human subjects
CHANG-CHUAN CHAN; Chuang K.-J.; Shiao G.-M.; Lin L.-Y. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-12-04T07:45:26Z |
Personal exposure to submicrometer particles and heart rate variability in human subjects
Chan C.-C.; Chuang K.-J.; Shiao G.-M.; LIAN-YU LIN |
臺大學術典藏 |
2022-09-06T02:43:05Z |
Personal exposure to submicrometer particles and heart rate variability in human subjects
Chan C.-C.; Chuang K.-J.; Shiao G.-M.; LIAN-YU LIN |
元智大學 |
2011-05 |
Personal Health Cloud (PHC)客製化遠距居家健康照護雲端服務資訊系統平台之建置
林翰俊; 徐業良 |
元智大學 |
2011-05 |
Personal Health Cloud (PHC)客製化遠距居家健康照護雲端服務資訊系統平台之建置
林翰俊; Hsu Y.-L. |