Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository >
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Showing items 215876-215900 of 2311752 (92471 Page(s) Totally) << < 8631 8632 8633 8634 8635 8636 8637 8638 8639 8640 > >> View [10|25|50] records per page
國立中正大學 |
2014 |
A類工件外包加工之可行性分析- 以CNC臥式搪銑床為例
吳英郎; Wu, Ying lang |
國立臺灣大學 |
2005 |
蔡輔謙; Tasi, Fu-Chein |
真理大學 |
2001-04 |
陳淑玲 |
國立暨南國際大學 |
2020 |
劉芋君; Liu, Yu-Chun |
國立臺灣師範大學 |
2014-10-30T09:34:56Z |
于俊傑; 沈立宏 |
國立成功大學 |
2009-07-24 |
A:利用一氧化鈦合成二氧化鈦的研究 B:Hydridosilsesquioxane (Hydridospherosiloxane) 的官能基修飾研究
陳冠志; Chen, Guan-Zhi |
國立臺灣大學 |
2008 |
B ---> K*1+ 1- Forward-backward Asymmetry and New Physics.
Hovhannisyan, Artyom; Hou, Wei-Shu; Mahajan, Namit |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T04:12:15Z |
B ---> D(s) pi and the tree amplitude in B ---> pi+ pi-
Chiang, Cheng-Wei and Luo, Zumin and Rosner, Jonathan L.; CHENG-WEI CHIANG |
中原大學 |
2005-03-18 |
B --> f0(980)K Decays and Subleading Corrections
Hai-Yang Cheng;Kwei-Chou Yang |
國立成功大學 |
2003-03-01 |
B -> D-(*) form factors in perturbative QCD
Kurimoto, T.; Li, Hsiang-nan; Sanda, A. I. |
國立交通大學 |
2014-12-08T15:46:36Z |
B -> eta ' X-s in the standard model
He, XG; Lin, GL |
國立成功大學 |
2007-03 |
B ->eta(('))(l(-)nu(l),l(+)l(-),K,K-*) decays in the quark-flavor mixing scheme
Akeroyd, A. G.; Chen, Chuan-Hung; Geng, Chao-Qiang |
國立臺灣科技大學 |
2020 |
B 12/ CNT anodic nano catalysis applied on polishing the performance of microbial fuel cells
Huang, S.-J.;Ubando, A.T.;Lin, Y.-T.;Wang, C.-Y.;Culaba, A.B.;Wang, C.-T. |
朝陽科技大學 |
2018-08-31 |
B 2 B網頁設計關鍵因素之研究-以LC公司為對象
賴沂松; LAI, I-SUNG |
國立政治大學 |
2004-11 |
B 29與媽祖:台灣人的戰爭記憶
戴寶村 |
中國醫藥大學 |
2006-03-18 |
B amyloid-induced oxidative stress in mitochondrial and hippocampal neurons in culture.
楊婷婷* |
國立臺灣大學 |
2015 |
B Cell Immune Profiles in Essential Thrombocythemia with Calr Mutations: Clinical and Molecular Correlates
Chang, Yu-Cheng; Lim, Ken-Hong; Lin, Huan-Chau; Chiang, Yi-Hao; Huang, Ling; Kao, Chen-Wei; Chang, Chiao-Yi; Lin, Ching-Sung; Su, Nai-Wen; Lin, Johnson; Hsieh, Ruey-Kuen; Chang, Ming-Chih; Chang, Yi-Fang; Chen, Caleb Gon-Shen; Kuo, Yuan-Yeh; Chou, Wen-Chien; 郭遠燁; 周文堅 |
國家衛生研究院 |
2011-09 |
B cell-activating factor of TNF family (BAFF) signaling pathway is associated with Helicobacter Pylori-independent growth of gastric MALT lymphoma without T(11;18)(q21;q21)
Kuo, S;Chen, L;Yeh, K;Lin, C;Wu, M;Hsu, P;Tzeng, Y;Jeng, H;Cheng, A |
臺大學術典藏 |
2022-03-15T05:39:19Z |
B cells and cancer: To B or not to B?
Fridman W.H.; Petitprez F.; Meylan M.; WEI-WU CHEN; Sun C.-M.; Roumenina L.T.; Saut?s-Fridman C. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2021-03-18T03:23:28Z |
B cells and cancer: To B or not to B?
Fridman W.H.; Petitprez F.; Meylan M.; WEI-WU CHEN; Sun C.-M.; Roumenina L.T.; Saut?s-Fridman C. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T15:27:59Z |
B cells and immunoglobulin in ABO-incompatible renal transplant patients receiving rituximab and double filtration plasmapheresis
CHING-YAO YANG; Lai, Hong-Shiee; REY-HENG HU; Lee, Po-Huang; Yeh, Chi-Chuan; Hu, Rey-Heng; HONG-SHIEE LAI; Tsai, Meng-Kun;Wu, Ming-Shiou;Yang, Ching-Yao;Lee, Chih-Yuan;Yeh, Chi-Chuan;Hu, Rey-Heng;Lee, Po-Huang;Lai, Hong-Shiee; Tsai, M.-K. and Wu, M.-S. and Yang, C.-Y. and Lee, C.-Y. and Yeh, C.-C. and Hu, R.-H. and Lee, P.-H. and Lai, H.-S.; 胡瑞恒;吳明修;李志元;葉啟娟;楊卿堯;賴鴻緒;李伯皇;蔡孟昆; PO-HUANG LEE; Wu, Ming-Shiou; MENG-KUN TSAI; MING-SHIOU WU; Yang, Ching-Yao; CHI-CHUAN YEH; Lee, Chih-Yuan |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-09-30T07:29:25Z |
B cells and immunoglobulin in ABO-incompatible renal transplant patients receiving rituximab and double filtration plasmapheresis
Tsai M.-K.; Wu M.-S.; Yang C.-Y.; Lee C.-Y.; CHI-CHUAN YEH; Lai H.-S.; Hu R.-H.; Lee P.-H. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-11-19T03:19:22Z |
B cells and immunoglobulin in ABO-incompatible renal transplant patients receiving rituximab and double filtration plasmapheresis
Tsai M.-K.; Wu M.-S.; Yang C.-Y.; Lee C.-Y.; Yeh C.-C.; Hu R.-H.; PO-HUANG LEE; Lai H.-S. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-12-24T08:11:49Z |
B cells and immunoglobulin in ABO-incompatible renal transplant patients receiving rituximab and double filtration plasmapheresis
Lai H.-S.; Lee P.-H.; Tsai M.-K.; MING-SHIOU WU; Yang C.-Y.; Lee C.-Y.; Yeh C.-C.; Hu R.-H. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2022-01-07T06:05:53Z |
B cells and immunoglobulin in ABO-incompatible renal transplant patients receiving rituximab and double filtration plasmapheresis
Tsai M.-K.; Wu M.-S.; Yang C.-Y.; CHIH-YUAN LEE; Yeh C.-C.; Hu R.-H.; Lee P.-H.; Lai H.-S. |
Showing items 215876-215900 of 2311752 (92471 Page(s) Totally) << < 8631 8632 8633 8634 8635 8636 8637 8638 8639 8640 > >> View [10|25|50] records per page