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Showing items 726076-726100 of 2313872  (92555 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
國立臺灣大學 1998 Risk Factors for Substance Use Disorders among Inpatients with Major Affectivedisorders in Taiwan Chinese 白雅美; 林朝誠; BAI, YA-MEI; LIN, CHAO-CHENG
臺北醫學大學 2008 Risk Factors for Suicide Following Hospital Discharge among Cancer Patients 林恆慶; Lin HC; Wu CH; Lee HC;
國立臺灣大學 2008 Risk Factors for Suicide in Taiwanese College Students Gau, Susan Shur-Fen; Chen, Ying-Yeh; Tsai, Fang-Ju; Lee, Ming-Been; Chiu, Yen-Nan; Soong, Wei-Tsuen; Hwu, Hai-Gwo
國立臺灣大學 2008 Risk Factors for Suicide in Taiwanese College Students 高淑芬; 陳映燁; 蔡芳茹; 李明濱; 丘彥南; 宋維村; 胡海國; GAU, SUSAN SHUR-FEN; CHEN, YING-YEH; TSAI, FANG-JU; LEE, MING-BEEN; CHIU, YEN-NAN; SOONG, WEI-TSUEN; HWU, HAI-GWO
國立臺灣大學 2008-10 Risk factors for suicide in Taiwanese college students Gau, Susan SF; Chen, YY; Tsai, FJ; Lee, MB; Chiu, YN; Soong, WT; Hwu, HG
臺大學術典藏 2020-03-02T03:11:24Z Risk factors for suicide in Taiwanese college students SUSAN SHUR-FEN GAU; Chen Y.-Y.; Tsai F.-J.; Lee M.-B.; Chiu Y.-N.; Soong W.-T.; Hwu H.-G.
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T06:53:11Z Risk factors for suicide in Taiwanese college students Gau, Susan SF; Chen, YY; Tsai, FJ; Lee, MB; Chiu, YN; Soong, WT; Hwu, HG;; 高淑芬;陳映燁;蔡芳茹;李明濱;丘彥南;宋維村;胡海國; Gau, Susan Shur-Fen; Chen, Ying-Yeh; Tsai, Fang-Ju; Lee, Ming-Been; Chiu, Yen-Nan; Soong, Wei-Tsuen; Hwu, Hai-Gwo; Gau, S.S.-F. and Chen, Y.-Y. and Tsai, F.-J. and Lee, M.-B. and Chiu, Y.-N. and Soong, W.-T. and Hwu, H.-G.; GAU, SUSAN SHUR-FEN;CHEN, YING-YEH;TSAI, FANG-JU;LEE, MING-BEEN;CHIU, YEN-NAN;SOONG, WEI-TSUEN;HWU, HAI-GWO; HAI-GWO HWU; Gau, Susan Shur-Fen; Gau, Susan SF; SUSAN SHUR-FEN GAU; Chen, Ying-Yeh; Chen, YY; Tsai, FJ; Tsai, Fang-Ju; SHIH-CHI KU; MING-BEEN LEE; Lee, MB; Lee, Ming-Been; Chiu, Yen-Nan; Chiu, YN; Soong, Wei-Tsuen; Soong, WT; Hwu, HG; Hwu, Hai-Gwo; GAU, SUSAN SHUR-FEN; CHEN, YING-YEH; TSAI, FANG-JU; LEE, MING-BEEN; CHIU, YEN-NAN; SOONG, WEI-TSUEN; HWU, HAI-GWO
臺大學術典藏 2021-06-29T08:16:03Z Risk factors for suicide in Taiwanese college students Gau S.S.-F.; Chen Y.-Y.; Tsai F.-J.; Lee M.-B.; YEN-NAN CHIU; Soong W.-T.; Hwu H.-G.
臺大學術典藏 2021-10-26T02:34:47Z Risk factors for suicide in Taiwanese college students Gau S.S.-F.; Chen Y.-Y.; Tsai F.-J.; MING-BEEN LEE; Chiu Y.-N.; Soong W.-T.; Hwu H.-G.
中國醫藥大學 2011-03 Risk factors for surgical failure after posterior intravaginal slingplasty: a case series 陳慧毅(Huey-Yi Chen)*; 何銘(Ming- Ho); 張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang); 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung); 陳汶吉(Chen, Wen-Chi)
嘉南藥理大學 2018 Risk Factors for the Progression of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Different Types of Neurodegenerative Disorders Chen, Pei-Hao; Cheng, Shih-Jung; Lin, Hui-Chi; Lee, Chuo-Yu; Chou, Chih-Ho
淡江大學 2019-10 Risk Factors for Traffic Crash Fatalities in Older Motorcyclists: A Study Linking Police Traffic Crash Dataset with Cause of Death Dataset Chen, Wan-Hui;Wu, Chi-Hung;Luo, Shiaw-Shyan;Jeng-Min Chiou, Ching Ni
淡江大學 2019-10 Risk Factors for Traffic Crash Fatalities in Older Motorcyclists: A Study Linking Police Traffic Crash Dataset with Cause of Death Dataset Wan-Hui, Chen a;Wu, Chi-Hung;Luo, Shiaw-Shyan;Chiou, Jeng-Min;Ni, Ching
淡江大學 2019-10 Risk Factors for Traffic Crash Fatalities in Older Motorcyclists: A Study Linking Police Traffic Crash Dataset with Cause of Death Dataset Chen, Wan-Hui;Wu, Chi-Hung;Luo, Shiaw-Shyan;Jeng-Min Chiou, Ching Ni
國立臺北護理健康大學 2015 Risk Factors for Traumatic Brain Injuries During Falls in Older Persons Hwang, Hei Fen; Cheng, Chui Hsuan; Chien, Ding Kuo; Yu, Wen Yu; Lin, Mau Roung
國立臺灣大學 2002-07 Risk factors for ulcer development in patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia: a prospective two year follow up study of 209 patients Hsu, PI; Lai, KH; Lo, GH; Tseng, HH; Lo, CC; Chen, HC; Tsai, WL; Jou, HS; Peng, NJ; Chien, CH; Chen, JL; Hsu, PN.
臺大學術典藏 2021-02-02T02:48:16Z Risk factors for ulcer development in patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia: A prospective two year follow up study of 209 patients Hsu P.-I.; Lai K.-H.; Lo G.-H.; Tseng H.-H.; Lo C.-C.; Chen H.-C.; Tsai W.-L.; Jou H.-S.; Peng N.-J.; Chien C.-H.; Chen J.-L.; PING-NING HSU
臺北醫學大學 2006 Risk factors for urinary frequency in Taiwanese women aged 20-59 years. 許淳森; Hsieh CH; Chen HY; Hsu CS; Chang ST; Kuo TC; Chiang CD
臺北醫學大學 2014 Risk factors for urinary incontinence among women aged 60 or over with hypertension in Taiwan Chang, Keng-Ming;Hsieh, Ching-Hung;Chiang, Han-Sun;Lee, Tian-Shyug
臺北醫學大學 2008 Risk factors for urinary incontinence in Taiwanese women aged 20-59 years. 許淳森; Hsieh CH; Lee MS; Lee MC; Kuo TC; Hsu CS; Chang ST
臺北醫學大學 2007 Risk factors for urinary incontinence in Taiwanese women aged 60 or over. 許淳森; Hsieh CH; Hsu CS; Su TH; Chang HT; Lee MC
臺北醫學大學 2008 Risk factors for urinary incontinence in Taiwanese women aged 60 or over. 許淳森; Hsieh CH; Hsu CS; Su TH; Chang ST; Lee MC
國立臺灣大學 2002 Risk Factors for Urinary Incontinence of Different Severities in Taiwanese Women in the Taipei Area 黃懷恩; 余宏政; 陳淳; 季瑋珠; WONG, WAI-YAN; YU, HONG-JENG; CHEN, JUN; CHIE, WEI-CHU
國立臺灣大學 2002-03 Risk factors for urinary incontinence of different severities in Taiwanese women in the Taipei Area. Wong, Wai-yan; Yu, Hong-jeng; Chen, Jun; Chie, Wei-chu
臺大學術典藏 2022-01-25T05:10:46Z Risk Factors for Urinary Tract Infections in Postmenopausal Women Hu K.K.; Boyko E.J.; Scholes D.; Normand E.; CHI-LING CHEN; Grafton J.; Fihn S.D.

Showing items 726076-726100 of 2313872  (92555 Page(s) Totally)
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