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Showing items 884576-884600 of 2313481  (92540 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T09:49:46Z Two-Stage Linear Discriminative Projections for Heterogeneous Domain,Adaptation Fang, Wen-Chieh;Chiang, Yi-ting;Hsu, Jane Yung-jen; Fang, Wen-Chieh; Chiang, Yi-ting; Hsu, Jane Yung-jen; YUNG-JEN HSU
義守大學 2008-11 Two-stage low-frequency square-wave-driven electronic ballast for HID lamps Chun-An Cheng; Zheng-He Kuo; Yung-Chine Wu
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T08:09:17Z Two-stage martensitic transformation in thermal-cycled Ti 40.5Ni49.5Hf10 Shape Memory Alloy Lin, Keng-HuaHo, T.-J.; Wu, S.-K.; Lin, K.-H.; Ho, Tsai-Jung; SHYI-KAAN WU; Wu, Shyi-Kaan; Lin, Keng-Hua; Wu, Shyi-Kaan; Lin, Keng-Hua;Wu, Shyi-Kaan;SHYI-KAAN WU;Ho, Tsai-Jung;Lin, K.-H.;Wu, S.-K.;Lin, Keng-HuaHo, T.-J.;Wu, Shyi-Kaan;Ho, Tsai-Jung;Lin, Keng-Hua;Wu, Shyi-Kaan;SHYI-KAAN WU;Ho, Tsai-Jung; Ho, Tsai-Jung
國立臺灣大學 2010 Two-Stage Martensitic Transformation in Thermal-Cycled Ti40.5Ni49.5Hf10 Shape Memory Alloy Ho, Tsai-Jung; Wu, Shyi-Kaan; Lin, Keng-Hua
淡江大學 2021-02-26 Two-stage maximum likelihood estimation procedure for parallel constant-stress accelerated degradation tests. Wu, Cheng-Hsun;Tsai, Tzong-Ru;Lee, Ming-Yung
元智大學 Oct-22 Two-Stage Metaheuristic Algorithms for Order-Batching and Routing Problems Gen-Han Wu; Chen-Yang Cheng; Ming-Hong Liu
國立臺灣海洋大學 2009-07-19 Two-stage microfluidization combined with ultrafiltration treatment for chitosan mass production and molecular weight manipulation Min Lang Tsai;Lan Zang Tseng;Rong Huei Chen
國立政治大學 2014 Two-stage model for exchange rate forecasting by emd and random forest 楊亨利; Lin, Han Chou; Yang, Hengli
國立臺灣大學 2002 Two-Stage Moisture Absorption Behavior and Hydrolysis of Cured Dicyanate Ester Resins Yeh, Ren-Jie; Lin, Pei-Wei; Lin, King-Fu
臺大學術典藏 2020-01-13T08:25:21Z Two-stage multi-modal system for low frequency and wide bandwidth vibration energy harvesting Ong, Z.C.; Ooi, Y.X.; Khoo, S.Y.; Huang, Y.H.; YU-HSI HUANG
淡江大學 2003-12 Two-stage multiple comparisons of treatment means under unequal variance 陳順益; Chen, Shun-yi
淡江大學 2000-04-28 Two-stage multiple comparisons with the average for normal distributions under heteroscedasticity 吳淑妃; Wu, Shu-fei; Chen, Hubert J.
臺大學術典藏 2020-03-06T03:40:44Z Two-stage network DEA: Who is the leader? Li, H.;Chen, C.;Cook, W.D.;Zhang, J.;Zhu, J.; Li, H.; Chen, C.; Cook, W.D.; Zhang, J.; Zhu, J.; CHIA-LIN CHEN
臺大學術典藏 2021-12-14T23:12:45Z Two-Stage Neural Network Classifier for the Data Imbalance Problem with Application to Hotspot Detection Wang, Bingshu; Jiang, Lanfan; Zhu, Wenxing; Guo, Longkun; Chen, Jianli; YAO-WEN CHANG
義守大學 2005-09 Two-stage neural network for recognizing partially occluded objects Wen-Yen Wu;Shu-Yin Lin
中華大學 2004 Two-Stage Observer-Based Suboptimal Design for MIMO Systems 黃啟光; Hwang, Chi-Kuang
元智大學 2016-03-16 Two-stage ONU Doze Mode Energy-saving Mechanism in EPON AliAkbar Nikoukar; I-Shyan Hwang; Andrew Fernando Pakpahan; Andrew Tanny Liem
國立成功大學 2014-01 Two-stage optimal stochastic linearization in analyzing of non-linear stochastic dynamic systems Chang, R. J.
國立臺灣大學 1994 Two-Stage Orchiopexy with Laparoscopic Clip Ligation of the Spermatic Vessels in the Prune Belly Syndrome Yu, T. J.; 賴明坤; Wang, Y. L.; Chen, W. F.; Yu, T. J.; Lai, Ming-Kuen; Wang, Y. L.; Chen, W. F.
國立政治大學 1988-06 Two-stage Parallel Iterative Methods for the Symmetric Linear Complementarity Problem 楊建民; Pang,Jong-Shi ;Yang,Jiann-Min
國立臺灣科技大學 2011 Two-stage power allocation for amplify-and-forward cooperative networks with distributed GABBA space-time codes Chen, H.S.;Fang, W.H.;Chen, Y.T.
國立臺灣科技大學 2011-02 Two-stage power allocation for amplify-andforward cooperative networks with distributed gabba space-time codes Chen, H.-S.;Fang, W.-H.;Chen, Y.-T.
南華大學 2000 Two-stage production plan of probabilistic market demand with unreliable machines and obtainable working hour capacity 陳淼勝;Chen, Miao-Sheng
南華大學 2001-06 Two-stage Production with Unreliable Machine and Finite Working Hour Capacity 陳淼勝;Chen, Miao-Sheng

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