國立臺灣大學 |
1987 |
Gun-Shot Wound on Heart and Vessels
王水深; Wang, Shoei-Shen |
臺大學術典藏 |
2018-09-10T03:31:54Z |
Gun-shot wound on heart and vessels.
Shoei-Shen Wang; SHOEI-SHEN WANG |
國立政治大學 |
2001 |
Gunnar Myrdal之制度經濟學初探:兼論台灣社會的發展過程
江咨靜 |
國立政治大學 |
1991 |
Guns versus Butter: The Indirect Link
Mintz Alex;黃紀; Huang, Chi |
中國醫藥大學 |
2004-06-26 |
Gunshot injuries presented to the emergency department of an urban medical center in central Taiwan
黃正金; 鄭宜昌; 黃金財(KIM-CHOY NG); 鍾侑庭; (劉文彬); (劉建明); 張宏文; 陳維恭(Chen,Wei-Kung) |
國立臺灣大學 |
1997 |
Guo YL, Ryan JJ, Lau BPY, Yu ML, Hsu CC. Serum levels of PCB/PCDF congeners 14 years after accidental exposure to contaminated rice oil.
Guo, YL; Ryan, JJ; Lau, BPY; Yu, ML; Hsu, CC. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-03-06T03:25:01Z |
Guodian: The Newly Discovered Seeds of Chinese Religious and Political Philosophy
Thompson, Kirill O.; Thompson, Kirill O.; KIRILL OLE THOMPSON |
臺大學術典藏 |
2022-03-03T05:34:51Z |
Guoguang Opera Company’s Collaboration with Robert Wilson in Taiwan and Its Outcome
Hsieh, Hsiao-Mei; HSIAO-MEI HSIEH |
國立政治大學 |
2007/10/1 |
Guohua in Taiwan: A Representation of East Asian Modernity
朱靜華 |
國立成功大學 |
2022-08-17 |
GURA: 基於雙面向圖注意力模型評估公車系統的公共運輸路線計畫
林軒廷; Lin, Shiuan-Tyng |
國立聯合大學 |
2012/04/17 |
GURLEY小平板儀 NO.302
ir |
國立聯合大學 |
2012/04/17 |
GURLEY小平板儀 NO.302 01
ir |
國立聯合大學 |
2012/04/17 |
GURLEY小平板儀 NO.302 02
ir |
國立聯合大學 |
2012/04/17 |
GURLEY小平板儀 NO.302 03
ir |
國立聯合大學 |
2012/04/17 |
GURLEY小平板儀 NO.302 04
ir |
國立聯合大學 |
2012/04/17 |
GURLEY小平板儀 NO.302 05
ir |
國立聯合大學 |
2012/04/17 |
GURLEY小平板儀 NO.302 06
ir |
國立交通大學 |
2018-01-24T07:40:04Z |
Guruswami-Sudan 解碼器: 使用旁訊息降低複雜度
陳兆軒; 陸曉峯; Lu, Hsiao-Feng |
臺大學術典藏 |
2019-12-19T07:11:13Z |
Gusset design considering buckling forces in frame and brace action directions: Test and finite element analysis of a self-centering braced frame for verification
Chou, C.-C.; Beato, A.R.O.; CHUNG-CHE CHOU |
國立臺灣大學 |
1997 |
Gust Response Decomposition in a Stator/Rotor Axial Compressor with Varying Axial Gap
Wo, A.M.; Chung, M.H.; Hsu, S.T. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-04-28T07:11:19Z |
Gust response decomposition in a stator/rotor axial compressor with varying axial gap
Hsu, S.-T.; ANDREW WO; Wo, A.M.; Chung, M.-H. |
中國醫藥大學 |
2012-05 |
Gustatory changes in patients with chronic otitis media, before and after middle-ear surgery
黃家昌(Chia-Chang Huang);林嘉德(Chia-Der Lin)*;王清源(Ching-Yuang Wang);陳錦華(Chen Jin-Hua);蕭亦琮(Yi-Tzone Shiao);蔡銘修(Ming-Hsui Tsai) |
臺大學術典藏 |
2021-05-13T02:46:37Z |
Gustatory Dysfunction Is Closely Associated With Frailty in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
Chen, Shih-I; Chiang, Chin-Ling; Chao, Chia-Ter; Chiang, Chih-Kang; JENQ-WEN HUANG |
臺大學術典藏 |
2020-12-24T07:01:12Z |
Gustatory Dysfunction Is Closely Associated With Frailty in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
JENQ-WEN HUANG; Chiang C.-K.; Chen S.-I.; Chiang C.-L.; Chao C.-T. |
臺大學術典藏 |
2021-08-20T08:19:30Z |
Gustatory Dysfunction Is Closely Associated With Frailty in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
Chen S.-I.; Chiang C.-L.; CHIA-TER CHAO; Chiang C.-K.; Huang J.-W. |