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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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Showing items 517176-517200 of 2313481  (92540 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
國立政治大學 2017-09 Intertext und Gedenken. Herta Müllers Roman Der Fuchs war damals schon der Jäger und ihre Collage “Vater hat seinen kleinen nichtgefallenen Soldat” 蔡莫妮; Monika, Leipelt-Tsai
國立臺灣師範大學 2014-10-27T15:42:05Z Intertextuality as a Constructive Reading Strategy 紀鳳鳴
東海大學 2006-08 Intertextuality/Intervisuality in Translation: The Jolly Postman's Intercultural Journey from Britain to the Netherlands 「Desmet, Mieke K.T.」; 戴絲美
輔英科技大學 2009-05-01 Intertextualizing the Petrarchan Sonnets and Love Songs in Taiwan Kao, Chia-Hsuan
國立政治大學 2003-08 Intertnet as A Forum of law, International Association for Legal and Social Philosophy 陳起行
臺北醫學大學 2004 Intertrochanteric fracture with prior lower extremity amputation.Two case report 謝銘勳; Lin YH; Hsieh MS; Chou DT; Ho CH; Liu YH;
中國文化大學 2008 Intertropical Convergence Zones during the Active Season in Daily Data 王嘉琪等著
中國文化大學 2008 Intertropical Convergence Zones during the Active Season in Daily Data 王嘉琪
國立成功大學 2015 Intertwining lamellar assembly in porous spherulites composed of two ring-banded poly(ethylene adipate) and poly(butylene adipate) Lugito, Graecia; Woo, Eamor M.
淡江大學 1998-10-23 Interval algebra for maintaining multimedia spatio-temporal constraints 施國琛; Shih, Timothy K.; Chang, Anthony Y.; Wang, Ken C.
亞洲大學 1998-10 Interval algebra for maintaining multimedia spatio-temporal constraints Timothy K. Shih; Anthony Y. Chang;Ken C. Wang
亞洲大學 1998 Interval Algebra for Spatio-Temporal Composition of Distributed Multimedia Objects Timothy K. Shih; Anthony Y. Chang; Hwei-Jen Lin; Shwu-Huey Yen; Chuan-Feng Chiu
淡江大學 1998-12 Interval algebra for spatio-temporal composition of distributed multimedia objects Shih, Timothy K.; Chang, Anthony Y.; Lin, Hwei-Jen; Yen, Shwa-Huey; Chiu, Chuan-Feng
淡江大學 1999 Interval algebra for spatio-temporal constraint reasoning and image matching 施國琛; Shih, Timothy K.
淡江大學 1998 Interval algebra for spatio-temporal relation reasoning 施國琛; Shih, Timothy K.; Chang, Anthony Y.
亞洲大學 1998 Interval Algebra for Spatio-Temporal Relation Reasoning Timothy K. Shih;Anthony Y. Chang
南台科技大學 2009 Interval Arithmetic BAsed Fuzzy Weigthed Average Model Evaluation of Competitiveness of Manufacturing Firms 艾美娜; Emma Adriana CAmara Terrazas
國立彰化師範大學 2009-03 Interval Arithmetic Error Estimation for the Solution of Cauchy Singular Integral Equations Babuška, Ivo; Liu, Kang-Man
淡江大學 2009-01 Interval censored sampling plans for the gamma lifetime model Lu, Wanbo; 蔡宗儒; Tsai, Tzong-ru
淡江大學 2009-05 Interval Censored Sampling Plans for the Log-logistic Lifetime Distribution Lu, Wan-bo; Tsai, Tzong-Ru
國立成功大學 2006-10-16 Interval efficiency measures in data envelopment analysis with imprecise data Kao, Chiang
淡江大學 2000 Interval Estimates for the Mode of Intensity and Density Functions Futschik, Andreas; Huang, Wen-tao; 黃文濤
國立高雄餐旅大學 2007-10 Interval estimates of bullwhip effect based on bootstrapping technique 沈進成; Hsieh, Kun-Lin;Chen, Yan-Kwang;Shen, Ching-Cheng
淡江大學 2008-03 Interval Estimation for a Pareto distribution based on the Doubly Type II Censored Sample 吳淑妃; Wu, Shu-fei

Showing items 517176-517200 of 2313481  (92540 Page(s) Totally)
<< < 20683 20684 20685 20686 20687 20688 20689 20690 20691 20692 > >>
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