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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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Showing items 517251-517275 of 2313481  (92540 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
元智大學 2011-07 Interval Type-2 Recurrent Fuzzy Neural System for Nonlinear Systems Control Using Stable Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Algorithm 張奉宇; Ching-Hung L.
國立臺灣大學 2005 Interval, segment, range and priority search trees D. T. Lee
國立政治大學 2004 Interval-valued and fuzzy-valued random variables: from computing sample variances to computing sample covariances Beck, Jan B.; Kreinovich, Vladi; 吳柏林; Wu, Berlin
國立臺灣科技大學 1996 Interval-valued bidirectional approximate reasoning techniques for rule-based systems Hsiao, W. H.;Jong, W. T.;Chen, S. M.;C. H. Lee
國立臺灣海洋大學 2004 Interval-valued Fuzzy Numbers and Concordance Analysis Approach to the Operational Organization Type Selection Ming-Miin Yu;Jing-Shing Yao
國立臺灣海洋大學 2004-04 Interval-valued Fuzzy Numbers and Concordance Analysis Approach to the Operational Organization Type Selection Ming-Miin Yu;Jing-Shing Yao
中原大學 2009-03 Interval-valued fuzzy relation-based clustering with its application to performance evaluation Yuh-Yuan Guh;Miin-Shen Yang;Rung-Wei Po;E. Stanley Lee
國立臺灣科技大學 2020 Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy multiple attribute decision making based on nonlinear programming methodology and TOPSIS method Zeng, S.;Chen, S.-M.;Fan, K.-Y.
國立高雄師範大學 2011 Interval-Valued Optimization Problems Based on Different Solution Concepts 吳憲忠; Hsien-Chung Wu
國立政治大學 2001-08 Interval-valued statistics fuzzy logic and their use in computational semantics 吳柏林;Ching-Min Sun
國立臺灣大學 2007 Intervals Before Tuberculosis Diagnosis and Isolation at a Regional Hospital in Taiwan Wu, Yi-Chun; Hsu, Gwo-Jong; Chuang, Kenneth Yin-Ching; Lin, Ruey-Shiung
國立臺北護理健康大學 2012 Intervening conditions of hospital-based home care for people with severe mental illness Cheng, Jui-Fen;Huang, Xuan-Yi;Lin, Mei-Jue;Yang, Tzu-Ching;Hsu, Yuan-Shan
國立交通大學 2019-08-02T02:18:29Z Intervening Nidal Brain Parenchyma and Risk of Radiation-Induced Changes After Radiosurgery for Brain Arteriovenous Malformation: A Study Using an Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithm Lee, Cheng-Chia; Yang, Huai-Che; Lin, Chung-Jung; Chen, Ching-Jen; Wu, Hsiu-Mei; Shiau, Cheng-Ying; Guo, Wan-Yuo; Pan, David Hung-Chi; Liu, Kang-Du; Chung, Wen-Yuh; Peng, Syu-Jyun
國立臺灣師範大學 2014-10-30T09:32:58Z Intervention and Characteristics of Children with Dysgraphia (II) (III) 吳亭芳; 吳榮根
國立臺灣大學 2016 Intervention effects on emotion regulation in preterm infants With very low birth weight: A randomize controlled trial Wu, Ying-Chin; Hsieh, Wu-Shiun; Hsu, Chyong-Hsin; Chang, Jui-Hsing; Chou, Hung-Chieh; Hsu, Hui-Chin; Chiu, Nan-Chang; Lee, Wang-Tso; Chen, Wei-J.; Ho, Yu-Wen; Jeng, Suh-Fang; 周弘傑; 謝武勳; 李旺祚; 陳為堅; 鄭素芳
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-18T02:21:41Z Intervention effects on emotion regulation in preterm infants with very low birth weight: A randomize controlled trial Wu Y.-C.; Hsieh W.-S.; Hsu C.-H.; Chang J.-H.; Chou H.-C.; Hsu H.-C.; Chiu N.-C.; WANG-TSO LEE; Chen W.-J.; Ho Y.-W.; Jeng S.-F.
臺大學術典藏 2016 Intervention effects on emotion regulation in preterm infants with very low birth weight: A randomize controlled trial Wu Y.-C.; Hsieh W.-S.; Hsu C.-H.; Chang J.-H.; HUNG-CHIEH CHOU; Hsu H.-C.; Chiu N.-C.; Lee W.-T.; Chen W.-J.; Ho Y.-W.; Jeng S.-F.
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-05T05:15:48Z Intervention effects on emotion regulation in preterm infants with very low birth weight: A randomize controlled trial Wu Y.-C.; Hsieh W.-S.; Hsu C.-H.; Chang J.-H.; Chou H.-C.; Hsu H.-C.; Chiu N.-C.; Lee W.-T.; WEI J. CHEN; Ho Y.-W.; Jeng S.-F.
國立臺灣大學 2003-07 Intervention efficacy and malignant transformation to oral cancer among patients with leukoplakia Shiu, MN; Chen, THH
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T04:25:55Z Intervention efficacy and malignant transformation to oral cancer among patients with leukoplakia (Review). Shiu, M.N.;Chen, T.H.; HSIU-HSI CHEN
臺大學術典藏 2022-04-21T06:51:46Z Intervention efficacy and malignant transformation to oral cancer among patients with leukoplakia (Review). Shiu M.N.; Chen, Tony Hsiu Hsi
中國醫藥大學 2009-01 Intervention Measures, Turning Point, and Reproduction Number for Dengue, Singapore, 2005. 謝英恒(Hsieh Ying-Hen)*; (Stefan Ma)
國家衛生研究院 2023-10-04 Intervention of AXL in EGFR signaling via phosphorylation and stabilization of MIG6 in non-small cell Lung cancer Yang, YY;Lin, SC;Lay, JD;Cho, CY;Jang, T;Ku, HY;Yao, CJ;Chuang, SE
國立臺灣大學 2000-06-19 Intervention of Competition Law in International Trade: Taiwan Experience 羅昌發

Showing items 517251-517275 of 2313481  (92540 Page(s) Totally)
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