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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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Institution Date Title Author
臺大學術典藏 2022-05-09T08:57:27Z Japanese encephalitis virus genotype replacement, Taiwan, 2009-2010 Chen Y.-Y.; YI-CHIN FAN; Tu W.-C.; Chang R.-Y.; Shih C.-C.; Lu I.-H.; Chien M.-S.; Lee W.-C.; Chen T.-H.; Chang G.-J.; Chiou S.-S.
中國醫藥大學 2012-01 Japanese encephalitis virus induces matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression via a ROS/c-Src/PDGFR/PI3K/Akt/MAPKs-dependent AP-1 pathway in rat brain astrocytes (CHUEN-MAO YANG)*;(CHIH-CHUNG LIN);李宜達(I-TA LEE);(YI-HSIN LIN);(CALEB M YANG);(WEI-JUNE CHEN);(MEI-JIE JOU);(LI-DER HSIAO)
國立臺灣大學 2010 Japanese Encephalitis Virus Induces Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in Rat Brain Astrocytes Via Nf-Kappa B Signalling Dependent on Mapks and Reactive Oxygen Species 董維軒; 蔡幸雯; 李宜達; 謝喜龍; 陳維鈞; 陳玉怜; 楊春茂; TUNG, WEI-HSUAN; TSAI, HSIN-WEN; LEE, I-TA; HSIEH, HSI-LUNG; CHEN, WEI-JUNE; CHEN, YUH-LIEN; YANG, CHUEN-MAO
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T08:22:28Z Japanese encephalitis virus induces matrix metalloproteinase-9 in rat brain astrocytes via NF-ΚB signalling dependent on MAPKs and reactive oxygen species YUH-LIEN CHEN; Tung, W.-H. and Tsai, H.-W. and Lee, I.-T. and Hsieh, H.-L. and Chen, W.-J. and Chen, Y.-L. and Yang, C.-M.
臺大學術典藏 2020-03-03T02:28:40Z Japanese encephalitis virus induces matrix metalloproteinase-9 in rat brain astrocytes via NF-ΚB signalling dependent on MAPKs and reactive oxygen species Tung W.-H.;Tsai H.-W.;Lee I.-T.;Hsieh H.-L.;Chen W.-J.;Yuh-Lien Chen;Yang C.-M.; Tung W.-H.; Tsai H.-W.; Lee I.-T.; Hsieh H.-L.; Chen W.-J.; YUH-LIEN CHEN; Yang C.-M.
國家衛生研究院 2022-05 Japanese encephalitis virus infection in South-East Asia: An immuno-epidemiological twist Hossain, FMA;Sumaiya, FI;Badruzzaman, ATM;Rahman, MM
中國醫藥大學 2005-11-04 Japanese encephalitis virus NS2B-NS3 protease binding to human brain proteins with dibasic residue repeat motifs 林振文
中國醫藥大學 2006-03 Japanese encephalitis virus NS2B-NS3 protease binding to phage-displayed human brain proteins with the domain of trypsin inhibitor and basic region leucine zipper 林振文(Cheng-Wen Lin)*; (Kuan-Hsun Lin); (Ping-Chiang Lyu); (Wei-June Chen)
中國醫藥大學 2009 Japanese encephalitis virus NS2B-NS3 protease induceds caspase 3 activation and mitochondria-mediated apoptosis in human medulloblastoma cells 楊翠青(Tsuey-Ching Yang); (Su-Lian Shiu); (Pei-Hsin Chuang); (Ying-Ju Lin); (Lei Wan); (Yu-Ching Lan); 林振文(Lin Cheng Wen)*
亞洲大學 2008 Japanese Encephalitis Virus NS5 interferes IFN-? Signaling and its interactions with cellular factors MEI-HSIU CHENG
國家衛生研究院 2015-09-11 Japanese encephalitis virus replicon-based vaccine expressing enterovirus-71 epitope confers dual protection from lethal challenges Huang, YT;Liao, JT;Yen, LC;Chang, YK;Lin, YL;Liao, CL
國立政治大學 2009-02 Japanese Firms’ Real Activities Earnings Management to Avoid Losses 潘健民; Pan, Chien-Min Kevin
國立政治大學 2005-05 Japanese Government-General's Policy toward Native Taiwanese during the Russo-Japanese War 傅琪貽
淡江大學 2011-12 Japanese Imperialism and Poetic Matrices: Conventional Projections of Nature and Labor in Early Colonial Taiwan Brink, Dean
國立政治大學 2009-03 Japanese Interest Group Politics in Transition? 林超琦
中國文化大學 1994-05 Japanese Language and the Exploration of Culture Understanding 方獻洲
中國文化大學 1994-05 Japanese Language and the Exploration of Culture Understanding 方獻洲
大葉大學 2015-03-28 Japanese Language Education at DAYEH University in Taiwan li, Li mei
國立成功大學 2008 Japanese Loan Words in Mandarin Chinese: Japan Mania and Language Re-contact Hsieh, Shelley Ching-yu; Eschbach-Szabo, Viktoria
國立成功大學 2010 Japanese loanwords in Taiwan: Social interaction and social cognition Hsieh, Shelley Ching-yu; Ann Heylen
中國醫藥大學 2010-12 Japanese Lung Cancer Research Trends and Performance in Science Citation Index 何玉山(Yuh-Shan Ho)*; (Satoh, Hiroaki); (Lin, Shih-Yuan)
亞洲大學 2010-12 Japanese lung cancer research trends and performances in Science Citation Index 何玉山;Ho, Yuh-Shan
國立臺灣師範大學 2015-09-03T01:12:53Z Japanese military airfields in Taiwan during the World War II Hung, C.-W.
淡江大學 1993 Japanese Military Rearmament and Asian International Politics: a Chinese Perspective Lee, Thomas B.
國立臺灣師範大學 2016-01-12T06:54:38Z Japanese Models, Chinese Culture and the Dilemma of Taiwanese(1) 賀安娟; Heylen, Ann

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