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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





???jsp.browse.items-by-title.jump??? [ ???jsp.browse.general.jump2chinese??? ] [ ???jsp.browse.general.jump2numbers??? ] [ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ]

Showing items 528876-528900 of 2312329  (92494 Page(s) Totally)
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Institution Date Title Author
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T08:06:32Z Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction after penicillin therapy among patients with syphilis in the era of the HIV infection epidemic: Incidence and risk factors Yang, C.-J. and Lee, N.-Y. and Lin, Y.-H. and Lee, H.-C. and Ko, W.-C. and Liao, C.-H. and Wu, C.-H. and Hsieh, C.-Y. and Wu, P.-Y. and Liu, W.-C. and Chang, Y.-C. and Hung, C.-C.; CHIEN-CHING HUNG
國立成功大學 2014-08-28 Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction among HIV-positive patients with early syphilis: azithromycin versus benzathine penicillin G therapy Tsai, Mao-Song; Yang, Chia-Jui; Lee, Nan-Yao; Hsieh, Szu-Min; Lin, Yu-Hui; Sun, Hsin-Yun; Sheng, Wang-Huei; Lee, Kuan-Yeh; Yang, Shan-Ping; Liu, Wen-Chun; Wu, Pei-Ying; Ko, Wen-Chien; Hung, Chien-Ching
中國醫藥大學 2014-08 Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction among HIV-positive patients with early syphilis: azithromycin versus benzathine penicillin G therapy (Mao-Song Tsai);(Chia-Jui Yang);(Nan-Yao Lee);(Szu-Min Hsieh);(Yu-Hui Lin);(Hsin-Yun Sun);(Wang-Huei Sheng);(Kuan-Yeh Lee);(Shan-Ping Yang);(Wen-Chun Liu);(Pei-Ying Wu);(Wen-Chien Ko)*;洪健清(Chien-Ching Hung)*
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T14:51:21Z Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction among HIV-positive patients with early syphilis: Azithromycin versus benzathine penicillin G therapy Tsai, M.-S. and Yang, C.-J. and Lee, N.-Y. and Hsieh, S.-M. and Lin, Y.-H. and Sun, H.-Y. and Sheng, W.-H. and Lee, K.-Y. and Yang, S.-P. and Liu, W.-C. and Wu, P.-Y. and Ko, W.-C. and Hung, C.-C.; SZU-MIN HSIEH; WANG-HUEI SHENG; HSIN-YUN SUN; CHIEN-CHING HUNG
臺大學術典藏 2020-09-30T03:22:42Z Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction among HIV-positive patients with early syphilis: Azithromycin versus benzathine penicillin G therapy Tsai M.-S.; Yang C.-J.; Lee N.-Y.; Hsieh S.-M.; Lin Y.-H.; Sun H.-Y.; Sheng W.-H.; Lee K.-Y.; Yang S.-P.; Liu W.-C.; Wu P.-Y.; Ko W.-C.; CHIEN-CHING HUNG
臺大學術典藏 2014 Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction among HIV-positive patients with early syphilis: Azithromycin versus benzathine penicillin G therapy Lin Y.-H.; Lee N.-Y.; Hsieh S.-M.; Yang C.-J.; Tsai M.-S.; Hung C.-C.; Wu P.-Y.; Ko W.-C.; Liu W.-C.; Yang S.-P.; Lee K.-Y.; Sheng W.-H.; HSIN-YUN SUN
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-29T06:37:44Z Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction among HIV-positive patients with early syphilis: Azithromycin versus benzathine penicillin G therapy Lin Y.-H.; Sun H.-Y.; SZU-MIN HSIEH; Lee N.-Y.; Yang C.-J.; Tsai M.-S.; Sheng W.-H.; Lee K.-Y.; Yang S.-P.; Liu W.-C.; Wu P.-Y.; Ko W.-C.; Hung C.-C.
臺大學術典藏 2021-02-26T01:59:52Z Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction among HIV-positive patients with early syphilis: Azithromycin versus benzathine penicillin G therapy Tsai M.-S.; Yang C.-J.; Lee N.-Y.; Hsieh S.-M.; Lin Y.-H.; Sun H.-Y.; WANG-HUEI SHENG; Lee K.-Y.; Yang S.-P.; Liu W.-C.; Wu P.-Y.; Ko W.-C.; Hung C.-C.
國立成功大學 2013-07-31 JAS:Hadoop於異質環境之工作排程 顏子翔; Yen, Tzu-Hsiang
國立臺灣大學 1991 Jasmultiside, a New Secoiridoid Glucoside from Jasminum Multiflorum 沈雅敬; 陳春雄; CHEN, HAN-YING; SHEN, YA-CHING; CHEN, CHUNG-HSIUNG
國立交通大學 2014-12-11T04:47:35Z Jason Mraz 唱出自己的生活態度 沈祐平
朝陽科技大學 2014-06 JASTEC手工具 張瀞文;魏婉純;楊斯萍;許育慈;葉姿伶;吳曉瑄;黃鳳娟
國立臺灣大學 2001-06 Jato: a compact binary file format for Java class Wang, Sheng-De; Lin, Yuhder
國立臺灣大學 2008-04 Jaundice in cultured hybrid catfish, Clarias betrachus X Clarias fuscusi. Chang, Pen Heng; Kuo, Shu Ting; Chen, Min Hsiu; Tu, Chien; Huang, Shu Hua; Lai, Tung Ming; Yu, Wen Chun
臺大學術典藏 2020-03-02T07:14:41Z Jaundice revisited: Recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of inherited cholestatic liver diseases Chen H.-L.;Wu S.-H.;Shu-Hao Hsu;Liou B.-Y.;Chen H.-L.;Chang M.-H.; Chen H.-L.; Wu S.-H.; SHU-HAO HSU; Liou B.-Y.; Chang M.-H.
臺大學術典藏 2018 Jaundice revisited: Recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of inherited cholestatic liver diseases Chang M.-H.; Chen H.-L.; Hsu S.-H.; Liou B.-Y.; Wu S.-H.; HUEY-LING CHEN; Huey-Ling Chen;Wu S.-H.;Hsu S.-H.;Liou B.-Y.;Huey-Ling Chen;Chang M.-H.
臺大學術典藏 2021-01-04T07:32:16Z Jaundice revisited: Recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of inherited cholestatic liver diseases Chen H.-L.;Wu S.-H.;Hsu S.-H.;Liou B.-Y.;Chen H.-L.;Mei-Hwei Chang; Chen H.-L.; Wu S.-H.; Hsu S.-H.; Liou B.-Y.; Chen H.-L.; MEI-HWEI CHANG
亞洲大學 2011-10 Java 101 物件導向程式與設計 陳宜惠;Chen, Yi-Hui
育達商業科技大學 2005 Java 2 JDK 5.0教學手冊 洪, 維恩
育達商業科技大學 2009 Java 2 JDK 5/6教學手冊 洪, 維恩
育達商業科技大學 2003 Java 2教學手冊 洪, 維恩
佛光大學 2003 JAVA 2教學手冊 蔡明志, 陳彥仲
育達商業科技大學 2002 Java 2物件導向程式設計 洪, 維恩
育達商業科技大學 2010 Java 2程序設計基礎 洪維恩
育達商業科技大學 2010 JAVA 3D於鞋子虛擬設計之研究 侯, 成一

Showing items 528876-528900 of 2312329  (92494 Page(s) Totally)
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