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臺灣學術機構典藏系統 (Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository, TAIR)





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Institution Date Title Author
臺大學術典藏 2020-07-03T03:17:16Z Type I collagen and procollagen fragments in patients with metabolic bone diseases Lin J.-S.;Jau-Tsuen Kao;Tsai K.-S.; Lin J.-S.; JAU-TSUEN KAO; Tsai K.-S.
臺大學術典藏 2021-03-10T08:56:16Z Type I collagen and procollagen fragments in patients with metabolic bone diseases Lin J.-S.;Kao J.-T.;Keh-Sung Tsai; Lin J.-S.; Kao J.-T.; KEH-SUNG TSAI
臺北醫學大學 2008 Type I collagen grafting on titanium surfaces using low-temperature glow discharge 黃豪銘; 歐耿良; 林哲堂; Chang,Wei-Jen; Ou,Keng-Liang; Lee,Sheng-Yang; Chen,Jin-Yu; Abiko,Yoshimitsu; Lin,Che-Tong; Huamg,Haw-Ming
臺大學術典藏 2018-09-10T08:09:03Z Type I collagen structure modulates the behavior of osteoblast-like cells Liu, H.-L.; Tsai, W.-B.; WEI-BOR TSAI; Chang, Y.; Cheng, Y.-H.; Tsai, S.-W.; WEI-BOR TSAI;Tsai, W.-B.;Liu, H.-L.;Chang, Y.;Cheng, Y.-H.;Tsai, S.-W.;WEI-BOR TSAI
國立臺灣大學 2005 Type I Gaucher Disease with Exophthalmos and Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation 胡務亮; 王主科; 簡穎秀; 陳俊安; HWU, WUH-LIANG; WANG, JOU-KOU; CHIEN, YIN-HSIU; CHEN, CHUN-AN
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-16T02:26:07Z Type I Gaucher disease with exophthalmos and pulmonary arteriovenous malformation Chen C.-A.;Tang N.L.S.;Chen Y.-H.;Zhang W.-M.;Wang J.-K.;Wuh-Liang Hwu; Chen C.-A.; Tang N.L.S.; Chen Y.-H.; Zhang W.-M.; Wang J.-K.; WUH-LIANG HWU
臺大學術典藏 2021-01-06T05:46:50Z Type I Gaucher disease with exophthalmos and pulmonary arteriovenous malformation Chen C.-A.;Tang N.L.S.;Chen Y.-H.;Zhang W.-M.;Jou-Kou Wang;Hwu W.-L.; Chen C.-A.; Tang N.L.S.; Chen Y.-H.; Zhang W.-M.; JOU-KOU WANG; Hwu W.-L.
臺大學術典藏 2021-01-06T06:51:53Z Type I Gaucher disease with exophthalmos and pulmonary arteriovenous malformation Tang N.L.S.; CHUN-AN CHEN; Chun-An Chen;Tang N.L.S.;Chen Y.-H.;Zhang W.-M.;Wang J.-K.;Hwu W.-L.; Chen Y.-H.; Zhang W.-M.; Wang J.-K.; Hwu W.-L.
臺大學術典藏 2022-03-28T02:46:04Z Type I Gaucher disease with exophthalmos and pulmonary arteriovenous malformation Chen C.-A.; Tang N.L.S.; YIN-HSIU CHIEN; Zhang W.-M.; Wang J.-K.; Hwu W.-L.
臺大學術典藏 2021-07-26T10:01:40Z Type I hypersensitivity is induced in cattle PBMC during Bluetongue virus Taiwan isolate infection Yang J.-L;Chang C.-Y;Yen W.C.-W;Yen L.H.-C;Wang C.-C;Wang F.-I.; Yang J.-L; Chang C.-Y; Yen W.C.-W; Yen L.H.-C; Wang C.-C; Wang F.-I.; CHIA-CHI WANG
亞洲大學 2008-06 Type I IFN induced IL1-Ra expression in hepatocytes is mediated by activating STAT6 through the formation of STAT2 : STAT6 heterodimer Wan, L (Wan, Lei); Lin, CW (Lin, Cheng-Wen); Lin, YJ (Lin, Ying-Ju); Sheu, JJC (Sheu, Jim J. C.); Chen, BH (Chen, Bing-Hung); Liao, CC (Liao, Chiu-Chu); Tsai, Y (Tsai, Yuhsin); Lin, WY (Lin, Wei-Yong); Lai, CH (Lai, Chih-Ho); Tsai, FJ (Tsai, Fuu Jen)
中國醫藥大學 2008-06 Type I IFN induced IL1-Ra expression in hepatocytes is mediated by activating STAT6 through the formation of STAT2 : STAT6 heterodimer 萬磊(Lei Wan)*; 林振文(Lin Cheng Wen); 林應如(Ying-Ju Lin); 許晉銓(Jinn-Chyuan Sheu); 陳炳宏(Chen, BH); 廖秋菊(Chiu-Chu Liao); 蔡育勳; 林維勇(Wei-Yong Lin); 賴志河(Chih-Ho Lai); 蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai)*
國立臺灣大學 2000-04 Type I IFN modulates innate and specific antiviral immunity Durbin, Joan E.; Fernandez-Sesma, Ana; Lee, Chien-kuo; Rao, T. Dharma; Frey, Alan B.; Moran, Thomas M.; Vukmanovic, Stanislav; Garcia-Sastre, Adolfo; Levy, David E.
臺大學術典藏 2019-07-18T06:49:46Z Type I IFN modulates innate and specific antiviral immunity Durbin, J E;Fernandez-Sesma, A;Chien-Kuo Lee;Rao, T D;Frey, A B;Moran, T M;Vukmanovic, S;Garc?a-Sastre, A;Levy, D E; Durbin, J E; Fernandez-Sesma, A; CHIEN-KUO LEE; Rao, T D; Frey, A B; Moran, T M; Vukmanovic, S; García-Sastre, A; Levy, D E
國立臺灣大學 2010 Type I Il-1 Receptor (Il-1ri) as Potential New Therapeutic Target for Bronchial Asthma 李志鴻; 王麗潔; 俞欣慧; 林于粲; 楊曜旭; 江伯倫; LEE, JYH-HONG; WANG, LI-CHIEH; YU, HSIN-HUI; LIN, YU-TSAN; YANG, YAO-HSU; CHIANG, BOR-LUEN
臺大學術典藏 2010 Type I IL-1 receptor (IL-1RI) as potential new therapeutic target for bronchial asthma Chiang B.-L.;Lee J.-H.;Wang L.-C.;Hsin-Hui Yu;Lin Y.-T.;Yang Y.-H.; Chiang B.-L.; Lee J.-H.; Wang L.-C.; HSIN-HUI YU; Lin Y.-T.; Yang Y.-H.
臺大學術典藏 2010 Type I IL-1 receptor (IL-1RI) as potential new therapeutic target for bronchial asthma Chiang B.-L.;Lee J.-H.;Li-Chieh Wang;Yu H.-H.;Lin Y.-T.;Yang Y.-H.; Chiang B.-L.; Lee J.-H.; LI-CHIEH WANG; Yu H.-H.; Lin Y.-T.; Yang Y.-H.
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-18T01:52:51Z Type I IL-1 receptor (IL-1RI) as potential new therapeutic target for bronchial asthma Yu H.-H.; Wang L.-C.; Lee J.-H.; Chiang B.-L.; Chiang B.-L.;Lee J.-H.;Wang L.-C.;Yu H.-H.;Yu-Tsan Lin;Yang Y.-H.; YU-TSAN LIN; Yang Y.-H.
臺大學術典藏 2021-01-06T08:23:43Z Type I IL-1 receptor (IL-1RI) as potential new therapeutic target for bronchial asthma YAO-HSU YANG; Lin Y.-T.; Yu H.-H.; Wang L.-C.; Lee J.-H.; Chiang B.-L.; Chiang B.-L.;Lee J.-H.;Wang L.-C.;Yu H.-H.;Lin Y.-T.;Yao-Hsu Yang
臺大學術典藏 2020-12-08T08:20:27Z Type I IL-1 receptor (IL-1RI) as potential new therapeutic target for bronchial asthma Chiang B.-L.;Jyh-Hong Lee;Wang L.-C.;Yu H.-H.;Lin Y.-T.;Yang Y.-H.; Chiang B.-L.; JYH-HONG LEE; Wang L.-C.; Yu H.-H.; Lin Y.-T.; Yang Y.-H.
臺大學術典藏 2021-07-02T03:41:57Z Type I IL-1 receptor (IL-1RI) as potential new therapeutic target for bronchial asthma BOR-LUEN CHIANG; Lee J.-H.; Wang L.-C.; Yu H.-H.; Lin Y.-T.; Yang Y.-H.
國立臺灣大學 2016 Type I interferon inhibits varicella-zoster virus replication by interfering with the dynamic interaction between mediator and IE62 within replication compartments Ku, Chia-Chi; Chang, Yi-Hsuan; Chien, Yun; Lee, Tsung-Lin; 顧家綺
臺大學術典藏 2022-02-24T08:50:45Z Type I interferon inhibits varicella-zoster virus replication by interfering with the dynamic interaction between mediator and IE62 within replication compartments CHIA-CHI KU; Chang, Yi-Hsuan; Chien, Yun; Lee, Tsung-Lin
國家衛生研究院 2021-06 Type I interferon signaling accelerates liver regeneration by metabolic modulation in noninfectious Conditions Wu, MS;Kuo, YP;Lo, YC;Tsai, DJ;Lai, CY;Chuang, TH;Lin, SY;Tsai, WT;Chung, PJ;Yu, GY
國立成功大學 2005-12 Type I interferons protect mice against enterovirus 71 infection Liu, Ming-Liang; Yu, Chun-Keung; Wang, Ya-Fang; Lee,Yi-Ping; Chen, Shun-Hua; Yeh, Trai-Ming; Wang, Jen-Reng; Su, Ih-Jen; Wang, Shih-Min; Liu, Ching-Chuan; Lei, Huan-Yao

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